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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 18, 2004, 09:22am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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In most of the situations presented, Baker made stupid decisions.

The obstruction rule is to keep the offense whole, not to provide protection for stupidity.

The obstruction rule (ASA) most definitely does allow the umpire to protect other runner affected by the obstruction, but the intent is the same - keep the offense whole.
1. Baker makes it all the way to 3B and stands on the bag. Abel is obstructed going back to 3B and is tagged out as he slides into 3B.
Here, the OBS resulted in Abel being tagged out. It had no effect on Abel's decision to return to 3rd - he was in a rundown, he was going to take whichever base he could get. The tagging of Abel killed the ball, so there is no opportunity by the defense to tag Baker out. Therefore, Abel on 3rd, Baker returned to 2nd. Without the OBS, the chances are the result would have been Abel safe on 3rd and Baker tagged out. So the defense paid the price for the OBS.
2. Same play, but F5 drops the ball on the tag, picks it up, and with both Abel and Baker on 3B, tags both runners.
As above, the OBS had no effect on where the runners ended up - that was their decision. Abel safe; Baker out.
3. As Abel is advancing toward home, he is obstructed 20 feet from the plate and falls down. You call and signal OBS. The ball gets a few feet away from F2, and though Abel could probably have scored, he scrambles to his feet and runs back toward 3B. Baker is standing on 3B when Abel arrives back safely. F5 tags both runners.
Abel scrambled back to 3rd because he is dead meat now at home. Abel would have scored without the OBS, so it resulted in 2 runners on 3rd, so you would protect both runners. Abel scores and Baker left on 3rd
4. Baker makes it all the way to 3B. Abel is running back toward 3B and is a few steps away when he is obstructed. The ball gets loose, and Abel makes it back to 3B. With both Abel and Baker on 3B, F5 picks up the ball and tags both runners.
The two runners on 3rd is unrelated to the OBS, since that is where both runners were or were heading before the OBS. Abel safe; Baker out.
5. Baker sees Abel caught in the rundown and holds up between 2B and 3B. Abel is obstructed going back to 3B. Baker sees the OBS call and runs to 3B but is tagged out before he gets there.
The OBS on Abel does not automatically protect Baker. Baker out.
6. Baker holds up between 2B and 3B. Abel is tripped going back to 3B and falls down in the baseline. You signal and call OBS. Abel, aware of the OBS call, sits on the ground 10 feet from 3B. Baker trots toward 3B and is tagged out. Abel is then tagged as he sits in the baseline.
Both runners acting stupidly. Abel is protected between the bases where he was obstructed, (EDITORIAL: but I'd like not to protect him here). Baker is unprotected, even though he acted like he was. Abel on 3rd, Baker out.

[Edited by Dakota on Jun 18th, 2004 at 10:27 AM]
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 18, 2004, 12:37pm
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Originally posted by greymule:
Abel on 1B, no outs. Baker hits a ball off the fence. Abel gets caught in a rundown between 3B and home.

1. Baker makes it all the way to 3B and stands on the bag. Abel is obstructed going back to 3B and is tagged out as he slides into 3B.

2. Same play, but F5 drops the ball on the tag, picks it up, and with both Abel and Baker on 3B, tags both runners.
I may be wrong Sam, but the whole problem was caused when
the defense OBSD the runner. Good base runners will always
advance during a rundown. I don't think I would award the defense the out since they caused the situation with the OBS.

Again, only MHO

In both situation 1 and situation 2 we have Abel heading back to 3rd with Baker standing there. Now without any obstruction, if Abel makes it back to 3rd, Baked is in jeopardy. In situation 1, Abel is obstructed and subsequently tagged out before she can reacquire 3rd base, in this case, the obstruction and subsequent tagout saved Baker's butt since Abel cannot be put out at 3rd. In situation 2, even with the obstruction, Abel is able to reacquire 3rd base, so Abel was not affected by the obstruction, so in this case, I think Baker is again in jeopardy if she is tagged.

That's MHO,

[Edited by SamNVa on Jun 18th, 2004 at 01:45 PM]
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 18, 2004, 01:41pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: woodville, tx
Posts: 3,156
Since Tom, and not meaning any disrespect, has spoken,
(and I am definately not saying anyone else knows nothing
of the subject)
I tend to agree. Tom has written some great articles
on OBS and seems to be in complete control of it and
the DP/FLEX.
glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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