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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 10, 2004, 08:59am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Columbus, MS
Posts: 273
I have a question involving U-Trip. The Overthrow rule is as follows:

When a ball is live after a batted ball and is overthrown into foul territory and is blocked.
EFFECT Sec. 7. F. In all cases, when a blocked ball occurs on an overthrown live ball, the ball is immediately dead. Each and every Base Runner is awarded two bases from last base occupied, unless required to retouch.

1. When a FIRST throw is made by an Infielder trying for a first play, the award is made from the Batter's and a Base Runner's positions at the time of the Pitch.

2. When an Infielder makes any FIRST attempt at a play, and then makes a Second attempted play or throw, or on any throw from the Outfield, the award is made from the last base touched by a Runner at the time this Throw is released.
NOTE: Should more than one Runner be between the same bases, the advanced Runner governs the award.

G. When an accident or incident occurs that prevents a Base Runner from proceeding to a base to which he is entitled, as on a Home Run or other awarded base, a Substitute Runner shall be permitted to take his place when a play is resumed so to complete the play.

EFFECT Sec. 7. A-G. In each and every instance, when a Batter or Runner is awarded one or more bases, each base must be touched in regular order when advancing; otherwise, the Team in the Field may make an appeal on the Runner at the missed base, which shall be allowed.

OK, What is the "unless required to retouch" mean? I know in ASA and NSA you have to retouch in order not to be put out on appeal but this seems like you do not get the 2 bases if you would have to retouch. Someone please clarify if U-Trip is the same as ASA and NSA in this matter or not. Basically I just do not like the wording of this rule at all and am wondering if I am letting the wording confuse me too much into thinking it is saying something it is not.
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