Runners on 1st and 2nd. Batter hits a ground ball toward the 3rd baseman. I'm in "C" and move to make the call at 3rd but the ball goes under the 3rd baseman's glove to the outfield. I hustle to the inside of the infield noting that each runner touched their respective bases. Does the home umpire have any responsibilities for bases on this play? Due to the different speeds of the runners, sometimes it's hard to clearly see the touch at 1st base (I usually catch it out of the corner of my eye). Any tips on the best way to see all three initial touches?
If an appeal is made at first, I'll go to plate for help because I was busy. mick |
I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but here is my take:
Obviously, if F5 had cleanly fielded the ball and made a play at third, it would be your responsibility. Since the ball went through to the outfield, the lead runner touching third becomes the responsibility of the PU, the BU now has responsibility for the trailing runners and ensuring they touch each base properly.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important! |
As PU, I always try to watch for the BR touching 1st and for OBS by F3.
Officiating takes more than OJT. It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be. |
Right on!
The BU has responsibility for the first play by an infielder, except right in front of the PU at home. If the ball goes outfield, now the the BU generally has 1st and 2nd base to cover and the PU has 3rd and home. But as noted in this conversation so far, it better be pregamed or two umpires will be watching 3rd as the BR runs over F3. Personnally, I feel the F3 obstruction is the BU's call/responsibility. PU has responsibility for the ball once it leaves the infield not the BR. As the BU I will position myself near the pitcher's mound, possibly perform a final act of seeing the runner touch 3rd and then, with my back generally towards home (not in an ignoring way but my attention is at 1st & 2nd), begin watching runners touch 2nd and then 1st. I follow the last runner all the way to 3rd unless the PU has designated that we should perform a switch because he is out at 3rd (probably done that a half-dozen times in over 20 years of officiating). PU takes the most important action and that is generally the lead runner. BU takes tag-ups for the others. [Edited by DownTownTonyBrown on May 19th, 2004 at 01:06 PM]
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford |
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