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Aggressive batter/runners on a walk, especially if the fourth ball got by the catcher, quickly round 1B and continue to 2B.
Does the Look Back Rule figure into this at all? After receiving a walk, can a player round 1B then stop and retreat back to 1B. |
However, once the pitcher has possession of the ball within the circle, then the runner is allowed one stop, and then must immediately commit either back to the last base legally held or to the next base.
Scott It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. |
Ball 4. F2 returns the ball to F1 in the circle. BR can round 1B, run toward 2B, stop 2 inches before 2B, and then either step on 2B or return to 1B. She has not violated the LBR.
Once she reverses direction, however, she must continue non-stop back to 1B.
greymule More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men! Roll Tide! |
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