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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 04, 2004, 04:59pm
Posts: n/a
This makes me sick
First of all I admit I'm not a soccer coach but was just passing through and figured I would check out the board. I am very concerned with the attiude taken on this board that it's just some coaches whinning, officials making fun of the teams records and the tone that officials are never wrong. Why is it in sports that officials can never be told they made a mistake, or did there job poorly. I have never ever heard of any other job where the employee is always correct and can never be told they made a mistake. Isn't it time we get off the soap box and remember why people goto soccer games. It is not to see the officials, no one really cares, it is about the student athlete. When we lose site of that and think that we are bigger then the game, then we as a society lose. I realize as a coach I make mistakes and I dont mind some people telling me that. I may agree or disagree with there thought process, but please this bantering by the officals on this board that the article wasn't nice to you is ridculous. Maybe just maybe the coaches were correct and the officals blew it. I'm not saying that is what happened but it could be. Please for once take some responsiblity! Your not always right and you make mistakes, DEAL WITH IT!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 11, 2005, 10:10pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 31
Send a message via AIM to SpeedyGonGoalie
Most officials do take responsiblity for their mistakes. But the attitude of most coaches is that these mistakes give them a right to verbally abuse the officials. I hate to sound exactly the same as you're accusing the people on the board of sounding, but I challenge you to have someone verbally harrass and/or threaten you for doing your job correctly, approaching a problem one way vs. another (judgement) or making a minor mistake, then not feel similarly.
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