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Conversation Between Tim C and UmpTTS43
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. UmpTTS43
    Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:28am
    Just wanted to send you a private "congratulations." I hope my passion for umpiring lasts half as long as yours has. From meeting you on forums such as this, I know that you will lead other umpires to excellence after you put up your mask. It took me awhile to adjust to your "style" on these boards. Now that I understand, I know that you have nothing but the best interest of the umpires at hand, even if it requires calling BS when you see it. If, for some odd reason, I am ever in Oregon from Nebraska, I will try to look you up. Again, congratulations.

    Troy Solsaa
    Waverly, NE

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