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Conversation Between referee99 and icallfouls
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. icallfouls
    Thu Dec 18, 2008 01:17pm
    Here's another one you might consider. Last year I had a game with two very good teams. Star for the visitors has picked up 2 fouls that were basically no brainers, but he wanted to tell us his opinion of the call. He also started trying too hard, forcing shots (looking to get bailed out), etc. We are shooting FT's and he has something to say to me. No problem. When he is done, I tell him, "right now I know you, I am very much aware of what you are doing on every play, and thats not a good thing when you have my attention." He got it and started to play and the game got better. Near the end of the game, he comes up to me and asks me "do you know who I am?" I said "You are that really good player, right?"

    It was cool that this player got it and moved on.

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