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Conversation Between Nevadaref and tagamanny
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. tagamanny
    Wed Dec 09, 2009 08:29pm
    "when there is double whistle, the first one to the table wins".....we had a double whistle last night and both our calls are contradictory on who's possesion it will be after an out of bound situation. being the center ref the situation occured about 4ft. from me, and approx. 15ft. from the lead ref. i was holding the ball and tried to intiate an in-bound possesion/throw-in but was over-ruled by both partners (3PO), since the other whistleblower is the crew chief...i let it go during the game so as to show our solidarity inside the court,but later on during time-out expressed to them my frustration concerning their actuation...your opinion...

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