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Conversation Between Kevin Finnerty and UMP25
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. UMP25
    Sun Oct 25, 2009 03:41pm
    Kevin's statement about broadcasters suffering the ax for certain statements is not accurate when vile, disgusting scumbags like Keith Olbermann get prime time exposure and use this time to personally insult and vilify people with whom they disagree politically. Olbermann is so far to the left and is a human piece of crap.

    I don't listen to Rush and cannot even if I wanted to, but I hate this hypersensitivity that permeates society. Rush loses out on a football team not because he's a racist (he's not), but because he's a conservative who's also a major public figure. Moreover, the effort against him was a concerted one by that wackjob George Soros. Obviously they succeeded, and here was Olbermann using his NBC pulpit to cheer them on. Worse, he makes comments that no one complains about. Don Imus was fired for comments less vile than what Olbermann has said. Of course, the latter says them about conservatives, so he gets a pass.

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