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Conversation Between jdw3018 and VTOfficial
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. jdw3018
    Tue Feb 09, 2010 04:43pm
    Nope, didn't get to Sharon Springs myself - in fact most of my officiating was in the area around Manhattan while I was in school at K-State.

    The pheasant hunting was good around home this year!
  2. jdw3018
    Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:19am
    He works a lot of Mid-Continent League, NWKS League, etc. Russell to Smith Center to St. Francis to Sharon Springs more or less. He's in Hill City. They run 3-man out there, but barely have enough officials to cover. Where is your wife from?
  3. VTOfficial
    Thu Feb 04, 2010 02:54pm
    I was reading the post about officiating a game where the official was related to players/coaches, etc. I was wondering what part of Northwest KS your father officiated? I am originally from Northeast KS but my wife is from Northwest KS. Her dad has made comments in the past about the shortage of officials out in that area.

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