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Conversation Between FHSUref and cmathews
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. cmathews
    Wed Oct 13, 2010 02:54pm
    yeah I read that too...and it caught up in the moment...sometimes you get the bull sometimes the bull gets you...lots of folks thought chadron made it in the week before in the 3rd a former official, did you have a look at any of those plays??? I know what I have read, would just like an officials objective point of view
  2. cmathews
    Wed Oct 13, 2010 02:18pm
    no I wasn't there...I saw film of the play and talked to the L that worked the game. He tried to communicate with the db to get back..but the kid didn't hear him....he said this was the first time all game that the kid didn't check with him when he lined up...
  3. cmathews
    Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:20am
    were you by chance in Golden Colorado watching this game??

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