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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 27, 2002, 08:29am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 10
?1. on a face off if all teams are even, and 1 team forgets to to, or does not have a wing middie, when can the player (who forgot) enter the field?? if he realizes he should be out there but the whistle blows to start play can he be in the box?? (also i understand the team can play mandown even if they are not, but does this mean a team can also NOT have a attack or dman in their respective boxes for face offs??)

?2. if a player breaks his stick what are his options for getting a new stick?? can he leave broken stick on field, run to box and get a new one?? or does he have to take broken stick with him to box to get new one?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 27, 2002, 07:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 2
I'm not sure on the exact ruling on either of these but I think that when a teams middie forgets to go out an thewhistle blows it won't matter, because in lacrosse you can sub on the fly. As for the broken stick ruling I think the player has to take his stick off the field and a substitute should go out for him. But as I said before I am not exactly sure if those are the correct rulings.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 28, 2002, 08:45am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 29
1. As per ncaa rules and alluded to in the fed. rules, the only time officials are required to make sure there are ten players for each team on the field (including in the pen. area) is on the faceoffs after a goal and at the start of a period. The mechanic is for off-official (in 2-man game)
to engage beeper when FO official arrives at Ctr. X to write down score. Hand is up (a stop sign). He waits until each team has the requisite number of players on the field.
The team has the 20-seconds (beeper time) to do this.
If they don't, and beeper goes off before they are in position, then it's illegal procedure (delay of game) and other team gets the ball (pause a second or two here to make ssure the penalized team gets that player on...don't want to penalize them twice).

2. a broken crosse is considered no crosse. Can't play without it. Can't yell instructions, can't set a screen, can't run to ensure team is onsides, etc. etc, etc. Drop the crosse, run directly to bench to procure another one or have a teammate sub for you. If broken crosse lying on the ground prersents a safety issue with play going on around it..kill the play.
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