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Here are the 72 (!) rule differences I've found between NFHS and NCAA rules. Let me know if you'd like me to e-mail you a nicely-formatted .pdf file; this seemed like the best format for posting. I check in here occasionally, but usually I'm at
http://www.lacrosseforums.com/forumd...?s=&forumid=86 if you have questions or comments. Rule ----- NFHS ----- NCAA 1 Starting game with fewer than 10 players ----- No mention ----- Forfeit 2 Failure to give 24-hour notice to opponent of event that could delay start of game or second half ----- No mention ----- Illegal procedure 3 Forfeits ----- Procedures determined by state or local associations ----- NCAA authority; score is 1-0. If team does not show up, a "no contest" is recorded 4 Field width ----- Field may be 53 1/3 yards to 60 yards wide without agreement in writing ----- Variations in alterable dimensions must be agreed to in writing prior to game day 5 Line-marking material Must be non-toxic and non-caustic No mention 6 Attack area ----- Dashed lines or contrasting color ----- Solid lines 7 No spectator lines ----- No penalty ----- Penalty 8 Center of field ----- Center X ----- Contrasting-color 4-inch square 9 Field not meeting specifications ----- No penalty for field; 3:00 for illegal goals ----- 3:00 NR penalty plus possession 10 Lime-green balls ----- Prohibited ----- Permitted 11 Legal balls ----- Must bear NFHS authenticating mark ----- No specific markings required 12 Metal cap on shaft butt end ----- Cap must be wood or plastic or be adequately taped to prevent injury; unclear if metal cap can be adequately taped ----- Explicitly prohibited 13 Crosse jammed or adjusted before equipment inspection ----- 1:00 NR foul and goal disallowed (if check is after goal but before play has resumed) ----- 1:00 NR foul; no mention of disallowing goal for jamming or adjusting 14 Jersey color/numbers ----- Beginning 2008 must be solid color (plus trim) with numbers at least 8 inches high on front and 12 inches on back ----- Recommend numbers at least 10/12 inches (front/back); currently require 6/8 inches; need not be solid color 15 Jersey trademark ----- Limited to 2.25-inch square; can also have American flag and commemorative patch ----- No mention 16 Jersey length ----- Must reach shorts; must be tucked in if jersey extends below waistband ----- Need not reach shorts; must be tucked in if jersey extends below waistband 17 Jersey colors conflict ----- Visiting team responsible, but officials may request that home team change ----- Home team must change colors 18 Visible underjersey ----- Must be tucked in; everyone must wear same solid color ----- Must be tucked in; all must wear same solid color (white, gray, or team color) 19 Visible compression shorts ----- Everyone must wear same solid color ----- Everyone must wear same solid color (white, gray, or team color) 20 Sweat pants ----- Everyone on team must wear same solid color ----- Everyone on team must wear same solid color (white, gray, or dominant team color) 21 Helmets ----- Must be solid color; all decals issued by school ----- Everyone must wear helmets that are same dominant team color 22 Eye shield ----- Must be clear by rule; cannot be tinted even with medical approval. No penalty for first violation, but player must leave game. ----- Must be clear (or tinted with medical approval) by bulletin issued to officials 23 Gloves ----- Required ----- Required and all players must wear the same color 24 Failure to comply with equipment and uniform color provisions ----- Explicitly mention technical foul for compression shorts (which implies technical foul for other violations) ----- Illegal procedure for all uniform violations 25 Football helmets ----- Prohibited ----- Permitted if face mask legal 26 Football shoulder pads ----- Prohibited ----- Permitted if not used to initiate contact 27 Cleats ----- Extensive list of technical specifications ----- Cleats no longer than one-half inch 28 Illegal cleats ----- No penalty mentioned; cleats must be removed from game ----- 1 minute NR penalty 29 Mouthpiece ----- Required ----- Must yellow or visible color (clear permitted with medical approval only) 30 Mouthpiece violation ----- 1-minute NR Personal foul ----- Techincal foul 31 Inspecting of crosse ----- No procedure outlined ----- Procedure outlined in appendix 32 Equipment check each half ----- All equipment inspected ----- Only stick inspected (per bulletin) 33 Jewelry ----- Prohibited (exception: religious/medical, which must be taped to body) ----- Permitted unless deemed dangerous by officials 34 Casts ----- Must meet minimum covering requirement and have medical approval ----- Officials' discretion 35 Electronic equipment used for coaching during game ----- Audiotape allowed; computer, film, television, and video prohibited ----- No mention 36 Phones and headsets ----- May be used by coaches but not players ----- Cannot be used to communicate with players on the field 37 Coaches' Certification ----- Full version required ----- Brief version permitted 38 Artificial limbs ----- State associations may authorize if they believe they are not dangerous and they confer no advantage ----- No mention 39 Hearing instruments ----- State associations may authorize if medically prescribed and not dangerous ----- No mention 40 Chief bench official ----- May be used ----- Position has been eliminated 41 Quarters ----- 12 minutes stop time ----- 15 minutes stop time 42 Variations in playing time ----- Not permitted ----- Shorter periods permitted if both teams agree 43 Mercy rule ----- Running time in second half when one team leads by 10 or more ----- None 44 Coin flip ----- Winning team gets possession arrow and choice of goals ----- Winning team gets choice of either possession arrow orchoice of goals 45 Faceoff ----- Sticks within 4-inch-wide center line ----- Sticks outside 4-inch-wide center line 46 Ball caught in crosse (plunger move) ----- Award ball to other team (per bulletin) ----- Award ball to other team (per rules) 47 Pass before the horn, ball in flight caught by teammate after the horn ----- Considered to be in possession ----- Not considered to be in possession 48 Shot out of bounds ----- When the ball touches the sideline or endline or something out of bounds ----- When the ball breaks the plane of the sideline or endline 49 Offsides ----- Free clear ----- Restarts where ball was when whistle blew 50 Advancing the ball ----- 10 seconds to pass DCL ----- 20 seconds to pass midfield 51 Defensive team re-entering zone 1 ----- Illegal unless ball legitimately becomes loose (plus associated rules) ----- Permitted, but current 20-second or 10-second count continues 52 Stalling when ball is in attack area ----- Warning can be issued at any time ----- Team B must play ball before warning is issued to team A. 53 Airborne player ----- No general rule ----- Player is where he left from (except attack area) 54 Player jumps from out of the crease, catches pass, lands in the crease ----- Legal play ----- Violation 55 Head coach or on-field player from team in possession calling timeout during live ball ----- Permitted no matter where the ball is on the field ----- Only permitted if player in possession is in contact with the ground in his attack area 56 Restart after endline TO in attack area ----- Outside attack area ----- At the spot of the timeout 57 Procedure for high heat and humidity ----- Additional officials' timeouts to allow players to cool off and get extra water ----- No mention 58 Replacing goalkeeper ----- One-minute warmup permitted ----- Timeout required to warm up; be "reasonably lenient" for time to switch 59 Broken goalie stick or dislodged goalie equipment ----- Play continues ----- Play suspended immediately 60 Legally-equipped goalie on the field with goalie crosse ----- Not required, but implied in Rule 2-1 ----- Required 61 Multiple penalties ----- Any number of players from one team may be in the penalty area ----- Penalties stack; a team is never down more than 3 men at once 62 Penalty expires before possession during faceoff ----- Player may return to field provided the wing area was left vacant for faceoff ----- Player must wait for possession 63 Player deliberately leaves penalty area early and goal is scored ----- Unexpired time wiped out, but player must serve new 30 seconds; unclear on faceoff ----- Unexpired time wiped out and new foul cancelled by goal 64 Substitute deliberately violating rules for entering field of play ----- Releasable1:00 USC foul ----- Illegal procedure 65 Delayed substitution ----- Releasable1:00 USC foul ----- Silent play-on, with foul called if sub gets involved in play; offside rules still apply 66 Player takes a dive or feigns receiving a foul ----- No mention ----- Illegal procedure 67 Body check ----- Allows the concept of an "unavoidable" body check ----- All body checks are considered avoidable 68 Expelled player ----- Adults must leave premises. Minors must leave premises with school official; otherwise confined to bench ----- Must leave premises 69 Second unsportsmanlike conduct foul against same player or coach ----- Ejection and 3:00 NR penalty ----- Usual penalty is assessed 70 Suspensions for expulsions ----- Per league policy; assignor must notify player's school of expulsion ----- Mandatory 71 Unconscious player ----- Needs written clearance from MD or DO to return ----- May return to game 72 Challenging the application of a rule ----- Permitted; if appeal is denied, coach is charged TO (or technical foul) and may use remainder of TO ----- No mention; can speak with officials only when 4:00 remains in halftime
-LaxRef |
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