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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 18, 2001, 09:33pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 2,716
Why is it when rules are changed in a sport that infringes on the discretion of the official, the officials take grave exception to this. CHA rules are becoming stricter however,Paul Hennessy and Brian Rendall have already indirectly implied that officials my want to set their own standards during the application of these rules.

To even suggest this implies that YOUR officiating of the sport, is more important than the sport itself. To publish articles on this is even more detrimental to new officials.

It takes many years to become a solid, consistent official in Ice Hockey and sometimes this never comes about. But consistency is the key. For the most part at the youth and high school level of the game we are dealing with inexperienced officials. Why? because that is where they learn and mature to go on to higher levels. Yes, training of these officials is very, very important however, you can train forever and without actual game experience you will never make it.

If clarifying the rules makes it easier for an officials discretion, then I got to belive that consistency will come sooner rather than latter. (Assuming one does not decide to call the game as he/she personnally belives the rules should be interpreted). When this happens, then the official has made theirself more important than the sport itself.

It has been proven over and over again at every level, that when the officials stick together and become consistant in the enforcement of the rules, the players will adjust accordinglly. Those that don't, don't derserve to play!

If you dont like the rules of the game as an official, then try to get them changed the same way everyone else does. If you think your above that then mabey you should'nt be officiating.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 21, 2001, 12:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 88
Response on CHA Rules

First, its good to see that someone is actually reading the stuff I'm writing

Second, I think its human nature to rally against things which remove our discretion. As a member of the officiating community, I'm very proud of the fact that I am an arbiter of the game - that I know the rulebook and can apply it to the sport, and I do not enjoy having the tools at my disposal taken away from me. Its like handing me a chainsaw and a hammer and telling me to sculpt Michelangelo's David.

Contrary to your assertion, I have never, and will never, condone an official setting their own rules. What I did say, however, was that some officials may be heasitant to toss a kid out of a game for an infraction that, last season, was not an ejectionable offence. Nobody likes throwing kids out of games, especially for "marginal" infractions. Previously, we could penalize them with majors - sending the message that its unacceptable, but not throwing kids out.

Yes, making things easier at lower levels of hockey is good. But take this scenario - kid takes a nice chop at a players legs, but gets them on the shinpad, no injury results, kid doesn't even flinch. Last season, I could give the 5. Now, they have to go. Sure, I can explain that to an irate coach who wants to know why his kid is gone and the other kid wasn't even injured, but can that younger official do that? Can he or she overcome the screaming as they try to give an explanation - many can't and many quit because of it, even thought they may have the makings of a good official. And my opinion is that making the rules more heavy handed and removing my discretion as an official is going to cause more problems than the rule changes are worth.

That being said, I would never insinuate that an official make up their own rules. But what is wrong with a healthy discussion about the new rules and their impact on the game?

Paul Hennessey
[email protected]
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