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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 08, 2003, 10:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 54
For those using HC rules.....

What do you think so far. I have the following opinions:

Stick Curvature- Inconsequential
Check to Head - Not called enough
Goalie Delay of Game - Quickly getting ignored

I hope that I am wrong, especially on the check to the head.

I predicted that there would be chaos due to the goalie rule as it would not be universally applied. However, I am now seeing that it is being universally NOT applied, and chaos is not happening.

Have you all been seeing the same thing?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 09, 2003, 08:41pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 81
I am also seeing the goalie delay of game being universally NOT applied. I like the idea of penalizing a goalie who leaves the crease to cover the puck. We don't enforce it in out adult leagues, but I have given a goalie a warning about it in a minor hockey game.

I don't think that Head Checking is called enough either. But I usually see a LOT of HC when I'm lining a game. But the refs just don't do much about it. It sucks.

The one call I've seen too much of (not that it's over-called, it's just not well-taught) is Checking From Behind. I've worn the stripes in two games so far and I've had to write up reports in both games for CFB. And most games I've lined I've had to make fun of the ref for doing the same. LOL!

And I have no idea what to think of stick curvature. I haven't noticed any big curves or harder shots yet this year. I've been thinking of buying a stick with a BIG curve just to see what happens! LOL!
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