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Old Mon Sep 04, 2006, 01:10am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 7
Avila U.

I just got this e mail today and wanted to share with you so that you might keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you updated when I hear more information.
God Bless,
Joe Flanigan

All- I am wanting to share information with you about an accident involving the Avila Varsity Volleyball team this afternoon.

My information is second hand, but I think accurate. Here is my understanding of the circumstances.

Avila played in a tournament at Bellevue University this weekend. They were heading home on Interstate 29 South from Omaha when a northbound car lost control, crossed the median and hit one of the Avila vans head on.

Coach Amy Carlson as I understand it was driving the Avila vehicle. She and 3 or 4 players were initially hospitalized – one of them was life-flighted to Omaha-Creighton Hospital where she is undergoing (as I write) surgery for a broken tibia, spinal fractures and internal bleeding (from unknown causes). I do not know the success of the surgery at this point.

Kathy Allen is on her way to the hospital where Amy is – there is some possibility that she might be released tonight. All the other players who initially went to the hospital have been released as I understand it.

A second Avila vehicle was following and was able to avoid the accident.

You may hear that it was a fatal accident. Neither of the two occupants of the car that crossed the median survived.

The Avila/Benedictine match which was scheduled for this coming Tuesday night has been cancelled.

This is what I know. A lot of families, individuals and a University can use your thoughts and support.


Stew McDole

Head Coach, Women's Volleyball
Joe Flanigan
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