I was watching Iowa and Purdue on ESPN last Saturday when the following happened:
Legal forward pass is thrown. Pass appears to be touched in flight by defender. Pass is then muffed in flight by eligible offensive receiver. Pass is then caught and advanced by offensive tackle. The call on the field was illegal touching by A. I know in NF rules once B touches the pass all A players become eligible. What is the rule for NCAA?
Mike Simonds |
Touching by an eligible team-A player does not alter anything.
Based on the call, the officials did not think then that the pass was touched/tiped by a team-B player. "when in doubt, the ball was NOT touched on a forward pass or kick" |
That is exactly what happened. Even when they showed the replay in slow motion it was not certain whether the defender touched the ball or not. It was that close.
Illegal touching by A was the correct call.
Mike Simonds |
Hold on, It depends, assuming the pass was untouched by B where did the ineligable catch the pass? If it was in or behind the neutral zone you have illegal touching NF 7-5-13 but if he was beyond the neutral zone you would have offensive pass interference NF 7-5-10b
Refburn |
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