jTheUmp |
Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:44pm |
Originally Posted by the head coach
I don't feel I deserved to be ejected
You're entitled to that opinion; however, your opinions on this matter are irrelevant.
I hate I got kicked out and it's only the second time it's ever happened in my head-coaching career (the other time was at Cherryville). We were at the 18-yard line. How many times are you going to make a two-point conversion from the 18?
I've seen 2 15+ yard 2 point conversions in games I've worked in 2010 alone, but I agree, it's not a high-percentage play. Perhaps that should've been taken into account by your players and/or coaches before committing whatever penalty caused you to be backed up 15 yards for the try?
We met with the officials before the game and they didn't say anything about trick plays. I was the one that brought it up.
This is why my white-hat always asks coaches in our pregame conference: "is there anything that you might do tonight, trick plays, unusual formations, etc, that we need to know about?"
I knew we were going to get flagged, but I decided to run the play anyway.
Ummm... what did you possibly hope to accomplish by running the play? If you knew the play was illegal (presumably because the officials told you so)... you've just basically admitted that your best-case scenario is a repeat of the try from the 33-yard line.
Looking back at it, obviously it wasn't a good decision. But if he had told me he was kicking me out of the game for it, I would have never ran it.
Watch the video coach. The White-hat throws the first USC flag for the handspringing player (probably actually calling it on the you for calling the play in the first place). Then a minute later, the wing official throws an USC flag on one of your coaches. Bam, two USC flags, enjoy the parking lot.
If you deliberately run a play that the officials have EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU IS ILLEGAL, you pretty much have to expect that the officials won't take kindly to you basically daring them to flag you for it.
I have no problems with ejecting the coach for this.