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ajmc Mon Oct 19, 2009 06:32pm


Originally Posted by Canned Heat (Post 631317)
We had one last night too. QB was scrambling for his life and his RG tackled a LB about 10 to 15 yards behind the LOS...which was their own 35 or so. By the time we got done, we were looking at a "half-the-distance" penalty that ended up around the 10 yard line. That was a killer. Although they were done already anyway (winning team had 48 by halftime...ended up 55-6).

What about the defensive player who has done his job forcing the offensive player to retreat 10-15 yards behind the LOS? When an offensive player holds back there (because he has not been able to do his job) why would you consider rewarding him by marking the penalty for his foul, from way back at the previous spot?

How is that fair to the defensive player? Why wouldn't it be a technically strategis idea, to hold every defensive player when a QB tries to outrun his opponents by retreating? They wouldn't be losing any more yardage than they were willing to give up through retreating, AND if the penalty is accepted they the down to do over.

If you want to equalize rles codes, it might be better to bring NCAA and NFL back in line with NFHS.

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