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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 09, 2001, 12:04pm
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I read a post thread in here abou t the where's the tee casebook usc.

My question concerns this play. Offense tries hard count for fifteen seconds to get defense to jump offisides. then the quarterback walks dejected toward his sideline and calls a timeout.

Later in the same game the offense tries again to jump the defense offsides with a hard count. this time when the quarterback walks slowly away toward his bench, the defense begins to celebrate becasue they did not jump offsides. while this happens the quarterback is the only player in legal backwards motion towards his bench, the offense snaps the ball to the fullback and runs for a first down at the celebrating defense. there are not procedure problems, just a USC question based on the where's the tee rule. the quarterback never verbally says anything or makes a fake timoout motion he just jogs off. what is the call?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 09, 2001, 01:49pm
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I could care less what they tried to do earlier in the game.

What the QB (and his weasel of a coach) did later is excatly what the comments to the "where's the tee" play say is Unsportsmanlike. In fact they state is is beyond the scope of sportmanlike.
I'd give the jerk two flags and send him to the parking lot.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 09, 2001, 10:58pm
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Unhappy Deception or Unsportmanlike:

No question unsportsmanlike on the coach. Precisely what the case book references with the "where's the tee?".

The QB has almost set a precedent with the first action of walking away from the snapper and calling time out. Defense will expect that again.

Now, is the flag at the snap? Kill the play? Since Unsportsmanlike conduct is a succeeding spot foul, I would think we would kill the play at the snap and enforce the foul.

patrick schneider
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 10, 2001, 11:47am
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Re: Deception or Unsportmanlike:

Originally posted by zebraman55
Now, is the flag at the snap? Kill the play? Since Unsportsmanlike conduct is a succeeding spot foul, I would think we would kill the play at the snap and enforce the foul.
The case book says to kill the play prior to the snap.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 13, 2001, 12:44am
ace ace is offline
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Wanna hear a funny?
IM a player, But I have a desire to want to officiate when I get out of college or even start officiating Pee-Wee next year.(I do all the interpertation on the sidelines for my fellow players LOL).

Tuesday at out JV game I was playing right guard. QB comes to huddle. Yall just get set. ok .... we go to the line and get set. The center picks up the ball and hands it to the QB over shoulder while shouting WRONG BALL WRONG BALL THIS AINT OUR BALL. the QB starts walking to sidelines (were on left hash) bout the time he hit the right has he started running tucking the ball. The defense was clueless and us lineman got in a great lil driving a man standing straight up drill. IT was the best! Referree told us it was all legal because the center technically snapped the ball to the QB.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 13, 2001, 01:10am
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Originally posted by ace
Wanna hear a funny?
IM a player, But I have a desire to want to officiate when I get out of college or even start officiating Pee-Wee next year.(I do all the interpertation on the sidelines for my fellow players LOL).

Tuesday at out JV game I was playing right guard. QB comes to huddle. Yall just get set. ok .... we go to the line and get set. The center picks up the ball and hands it to the QB over shoulder while shouting WRONG BALL WRONG BALL THIS AINT OUR BALL. the QB starts walking to sidelines (were on left hash) bout the time he hit the right has he started running tucking the ball. The defense was clueless and us lineman got in a great lil driving a man standing straight up drill. IT was the best! Referree told us it was all legal because the center technically snapped the ball to the QB.
I'm afraid the referee was wrong. Unfortunately, many officials are not aware of this interpretation.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 16, 2001, 01:15pm
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Originally posted by ace
The center picks up the ball and hands it to the QB over shoulder while shouting WRONG BALL WRONG BALL THIS AINT OUR BALL. the QB starts walking to sidelines (were on left hash) bout the time he hit the right has he started running tucking the ball. The defense was clueless and us lineman got in a great lil driving a man standing straight up drill. IT was the best! Referree told us it was all legal because the center technically snapped the ball to the QB.
That's tragic.... tragic that the official let that one go, I mean. That shoulda been blown dead, penalized for deceptive play.

In Canadian ball, that's technically a 5 yard penalty (illegal procedure) but I would have been tempted to throw a 10 yard "objectionable conduct" (unsportsmanlike) on the play.
Am I just a three-down ref in a four-down world?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 17, 2001, 08:17am
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What's tragic is that coaches feel that have to resort to this type of trickery. If you can't line up and just go at somebody, give it up.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 11, 2001, 11:05pm
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Wanna hear a funny?
IM a player, But I have a desire to want to officiate when I get out of college or even start officiating Pee-Wee next year.(I do all the interpertation on the sidelines for my fellow players LOL).

Tuesday at out JV game I was playing right guard. QB comes to huddle. Yall just get set. ok .... we go to the line and get set. The center picks up the ball and hands it to the QB over shoulder while shouting WRONG BALL WRONG BALL THIS AINT OUR BALL. the QB starts walking to sidelines (were on left hash) bout the time he hit the right has he started running tucking the ball. The defense was clueless and us lineman got in a great lil driving a man standing straight up drill. IT was the best! Referree told us it was all legal because the center technically snapped the ball to the QB.
See my post above. This differs in only the snap and the yelling. I agree that the yelling constitutes the unsportsmanlike portion of this play. But, in our situation, nothing was said, no lineman moved.

Still unsportsmanlike?
Emmett Wayne
Member, Hinesville Official Association
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