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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 41
This may be getting off the topic a bit ... but it's about showing maturity (not lashing back when someone does something to you) and responsibility (to the team and yourself). Forget the courts --if the kid had shown this --none of it ever would have happened.
Also --parents --especially a coach -- have to accept things and teach values and discipline. You don't go and blame everyone else.
I bring this up --because in a Championship game here in NC this past weekend --a player was ejected --for basically the same thing --kicking a player in the head --who had done something to him he didn't like.
On a local message board --it was discussed and the mom of the player began posting and defending her sons actions --and actually blamed the officials --in the process. She said 'if the refs had done their job before this play --none of it would have happened'. She then went on to defend him saying anyone who was grabbed by the face mask or held --or whetever --would have retaliated --like her son did. Not true --mom.
What is this teaching her son? What are the kids learning from all this?
The ironic thing is --I had this team 2 weeks earlier --and that same player was an antagonist. He did little things all nite -- not bad enough to be flagged --but enough to be warned and we even went to his coaches and asked them to help us make him behave. Later in the game --he did do something and was flagged and was given a break --as he could have been ejected then. I talked to the coach and told him and reminded him to get him under control.
How many warnings does a kid have to have ?? I know the coaches let him have it after our flag --so he should have learned a lesson. I guess he went home and his mom told him we were wrong and the coach was wrong and to continue being an a** on the field.
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