Extend or Quarter Over
During a discussion group, this play game up. Offense commits OPI - Defense is called for holding. During the down, the clock shows no time, ending the quarter. Both fouls are live ball fouls with NO change of possession. Double foul, penalties offset, replay the down, extend the quarter with an untimed down. One opinion was: being that OPI is a loss of down penality, the new rule should apply, quarter over. Basing the opinion on the fact that the, penalty was NOT accepted. (3-3-4b) There is a foul that specifies loss of down and the penality is accepted. Opposing opinion: by-rule, the penalties offset, so by-rule the penalties are accepted. Extend the quarter, replay with an untimed down. Any thoughts on NOT extending the quarter? Green [Edited by Green on Sep 14th, 2005 at 01:25 PM] |
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