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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 10:21am
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 201
"Wha-happened!?!?!", I think to myself.

Naturally, like many associations we have a shortage of officials in both football and basketball in our area. So when a 4th year offical tells us he is not working this season because he took an asst coach position at our local HS. We were dissappointed to be losing a good official but then again we were happy and supportive of his new position and wished him the best. Overall he's a great guy.

Fast forward to last night. Local soph game and ex-official is on my wing.

4 man crew, 2nd quarter, A (home team) driving the ball at midfield up by a TD. 2/4 A1 passes over the middle, A2 is airborne, catches the ball facing the LOS and comes down on both feet. Swivels his head look to look upfield and has the ball secured with both arms into his chest. When he gets HAMMERED from his blindside. Loose ball, B recovers, 1st and 10 the other way. Ex-official goes bonkers and is yelling "How could you call that a catch!" the whole series he is grumbling.

4th Q, A again has the ball. Center has a habit of holding his non-snap hand above the ball in the NZ all game long. The other wingman makes the encroachment call because the centers hand penetrated the NZ on B's side. We walk it off and I explain to HC and ex-official what the call was. Now I get "Bob always wants to be part of the game. Gotta always be involved with everything, blah, blah blah, yada, yada, yada...."

During the course of the game when I saw something which didn't effect the game, RG rocking back a bit in his stance for example, I told the HC to mention it to the kid when he comes off the field. In my mind a soph game is still a learning experience for the "finer" points of the game. Preventive officiating, working with both A & B head coaches, etc.

Bottom line, I couldn't understand the change in our guy. In both FB abd BB this fellow was pretty much a follower of the rules but now that he's on the sideline he's kind of "forgot" some of it. On the other hand, the HC was about the nicest guy I've been around in a long while and appreciated the constructive help with is young new guys.

Anyone else ever experience someone walking to the dark side?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 10:50am
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I've been there, personally he gets no extra slack. I would go straight to the head coach and let him know I've heard enough of his assistant, anymore will cost him 15 yards.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 11:00am
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Remember that when you become a coach you now see things the way you want it to be rather than the way it is. Just realize once your position on the field changes, so does your perspective.
As for the center question, if it was a habit I'll assume it happened all game. Why did Bob wait until the 4th Q to make that nitpicky call? In my opinion, he's got a pretty legit reason to be unhappy with that one especially in a soph game.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 11:59am
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 201
Originally posted by Mike L
Remember that when you become a coach you now see things the way you want it to be rather than the way it is. Just realize once your position on the field changes, so does your perspective.
As for the center question, if it was a habit I'll assume it happened all game. Why did Bob wait until the 4th Q to make that nitpicky call? In my opinion, he's got a pretty legit reason to be unhappy with that one especially in a soph game.
Agreed on the nitpicky thing at a soph game. The other wing guy tends to be a bit over-assertive and will yell an explanation instead of telling him why or why not you do something a particular way. It's simply this guys demeanor and I let it roll off my back when directed towards me. He also ran across the field to give my HC an "official warning" about the WO being either on or off the LOS.

Me thinks he likes "authority" a bit too much.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 12:08pm
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Posts: 97
It sounds to me like your ex-official is thinking his officiating experience is going to get you to drop to your knees and beg for mercy. I wouldn't treat him any differently now than any other coach.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 12:13pm
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Posts: 149
i was fortunate to have just the opposite last year. the coach, who was a former official, was a delight to work with. he was the head coach of a middle school. i never had to explain anything to him and he would often tip me off on the next play. his team was horrible though and he is not coaching this year. i guess nice guys do finish last.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 07, 2005, 12:16pm
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 201
Originally posted by schwinn
It sounds to me like your ex-official is thinking his officiating experience is going to get you to drop to your knees and beg for mercy. I wouldn't treat him any differently now than any other coach.
Well that ain't gonna happen!

I felt like saying, "Dude you made the same call how many times last year working with me!?"

But imagine this scenario: 2/Goal - A1 passes over the middle to A2 whom is airborne in the EZ. A2 catches the ball, comes down with both feet - then gets HAMMERED - and fumbles the ball with B recovering.

Think being in the EZ would change the ex-officio's take on the catch???

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