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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 03, 2005, 01:00pm
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I'm curious how everyone here handles heat and humidity timeouts. Do you cover them in pregame, when do you take them during a game? I usually try to call one about half way through each quarter. I'd like to hear some ideas or see if there's something I can do better that others here might do.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 03, 2005, 02:40pm
MJT MJT is offline
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We mention the fact that we will take them during the pregame, but that we will not kill a drive, or momentum of either team. How many, and when totally depends on the game. If you have a few scores, where you have the one minute break after the try, you may not need on, but use them when you see fit.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 03, 2005, 04:02pm
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Don't forget that coach-player conferences are legal during these time-outs. A lot of officials I work with don't think they are.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 05, 2005, 02:58pm
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OK, but what about rule 9-8-2, which states:

Three attendants, none of whom is a coach, may enter the field to attend their team during a charged time-out or a TV/Radio timeout, during the one minute following a try, a successful field goal or safety, and prior to the succeding free kick, between periods and during an official's time-out for unusual heand and humidity.

Sounds to me like coaches ARE NOT allowed on the field during these heat and humidity timeouts.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 05, 2005, 03:30pm
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we were instructed to give as many as necessary in georgia. we want to do away with the liability, plus it is hot. you may have a night where more than one is needed in a quarter, then you may not have one at all for the whole game. last friday we only had one in the whole game. and it was during an injury timeout. (-remember the player still has to sit out a play after this time out)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 05, 2005, 03:52pm
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Originally posted by Whistles & Stripes
OK, but what about rule 9-8-2, which states:

Three attendants, none of whom is a coach, may enter the field to attend their team during a charged time-out or a TV/Radio timeout, during the one minute following a try, a successful field goal or safety, and prior to the succeding free kick, between periods and during an official's time-out for unusual heand and humidity.

Sounds to me like coaches ARE NOT allowed on the field during these heat and humidity timeouts.
Authorized conferenced are allowed during a heat/humidity timeout per rule. (3-5-7 and 3-5-8.... Note that a heat humidity timeout is one of 3 officials timeouts where an authorized conference is allowed).

9-8-2 just says that they can't have a second coach in the huddle at the middle of the field disguised as a team attendent.

Heat can kill. Coaches are in the best position to determine if a player is acting out of sorts so, besides for the fact that it is permissable by rule, why wouldn't we let them out there?
Mike Sears
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 05, 2005, 04:18pm
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Originally posted by Whistles & Stripes
OK, but what about rule 9-8-2, which states:

Three attendants, none of whom is a coach, may enter the field to attend their team during a charged time-out or a TV/Radio timeout, during the one minute following a try, a successful field goal or safety, and prior to the succeding free kick, between periods and during an official's time-out for unusual heand and humidity.

Sounds to me like coaches ARE NOT allowed on the field during these heat and humidity timeouts.
How many times are we going to beat this poor horse to death??
Page 75 of the case book, 9.8.1 D covers this. If that isn't enough, page 40 of the rule book, 3-5-7 & 8, especially, 3-5-8, says that an authorized conference can occur during a heat/humidity break. 9-8-2 is in place to prevent a coach from acting as an attendant in addition to the one coach that is allowed on the field during those time outs.
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If you have a file you would like me to add, email me and I will get it posted.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 05, 2005, 04:34pm
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Unhappy It's unbelievable how many people still don't know this rule.

Originally posted by Whistles & Stripes
OK, but what about rule 9-8-2, which states:

Three attendants, none of whom is a coach, may enter the field to attend their team during a charged time-out or a TV/Radio timeout, during the one minute following a try, a successful field goal or safety, and prior to the succeding free kick, between periods and during an official's time-out for unusual heand and humidity.

Sounds to me like coaches ARE NOT allowed on the field during these heat and humidity timeouts.

This simply means that during an authorized conference, a coach cannot come on the field masquerading as an attendant.

An authorized conference may be held during a charged time-out or an official's time-out (7h, 7l and 7m only).

An official's time-out occurs during a dead ball without a time-out being charged to either team:
h. For unusual heat or humidity which may create a health risk to the players.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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