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I need some help with an inadvertant whistle and a no touchdown result. I was a spectator at this varsity playoff game and I'm not sure about the results of the following play: 3rd and 14 for A from the B 28 yard line. QB rushes up the middle to the B 4 yard line and fumbles (an IW is blown while ball is loose) the ball is muffed by A (kicked) and rolls into the endzone where A falls on the ball. First the ball was placed back at B's 4 yard line and then placed back at B's 28 yard line where the play originated (3rd and 14 repeat the play). A was stuffed on the next 2 plays giving up the ball on downs. A did squeak out a narrow win, however I am not sure this series of events @ the IW was properly enforced. I would have had either a TD or 1st & goal for A. Your comments please.
There should have been a bean bag dropped at the B 4 (end of the run). Since the IW caused the ball to become dead, the player who recovered the ball in the EZ recovered a dead ball, therfore, no TD. In the play you have described, A has the option to replay the down from the previous spot or take the ball at B's 4 (the spot they last had possession prior to the IW). Sounds like the officials did not give A that option because that was the "no brainer" choice for them. Rule 4-2-3b.
Also, if time for the period had expired during the IW play, A would aslo get an untimed down. Rule 3-3c. |
I don't know that I agree with your assesement.
I thought if an IW occurred during a loose ball the down was replayed. If a team is in possession at the time of the IW they have the option of accepting the play at the spot of the IW or replaying.
F. Shawn Wortman aka BIG UMP |
Why would team-A want to replay the down?
They lost possession on the B-4 yard line, fumbled the ball and an IW sounded while the ball was loose. Line to gain was the B-14 correct? They made the line to gain. Should have been 1st and goal from the B-4 |
REPLY: Here's the entire FED rule re: inadvertent whistles:
ART. 3 Inadvertent Whistle. During a down, or during a down in which the penalty for a foul is declined, if an inadvertent whistle occurs while: a. legal forward pass or snap is in flight, or during a legal kick, the down shall be replayed. b. The ball is loose following a backward pass, fumble, illegal forward pass, or illegal kick, the team last in possession may choose to put the ball in play where possession was lost or replay the down. c. The ball is in player possession, that team may choose to accept the play at that spot or replay the down. If an inadvertent whistle occurs during a down in which a foul occurs and the penalty is accepted, the inadvertent whistle is ignored. REPLY: Tom is correct. It seems it would be to A's advantage to have taken the ball 1-G at B's 4
Bob M. |
I says in so many words, that if there is an IW while the ball is loose after a fumble, the team that was in posession prior to the IW may replay the down or play the next down from the spot where they lost possession. In the original play, this would be B's 4 and would result in a 1st and goal for A at the 4. |
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