hello all,
currently im officiating semi pro, high school and recreational football. i just got in from doing 3 recreational games and im on the run too do a high school game this afternoon; but before leaveing i have a quick question about my headlinesman and field judge, when i arrived at the field this morning i noticed i had 3 older gentleman that were a little overweight which i did not have a problem with; ususally i am the head referee, but today i said i thought it would be better if i took the wing these guys went nuts because they hate being the head referee, so i said fine. so too make along story short most of the teams today were passers and you can guess where im going with this my wingman could not get down field on the pass plays and the fans were all over them, we only use 4 in recreation league here, in high school here we use 6 so you see it wouldnt be a problem at that level; i just wanna know if any other officials have ran into this problem? and how did they handle it? these guys are excellent officials but they just dont have the legs too get down field; im 35 and sometimes i feel like im 65 when i leave the field. well you guys have a great one and i would appreciate any information here.