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Old Sat Oct 18, 2003, 10:16pm
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 945
As soon as you were done with a game where there were problems like this then maybe you could have suggested that you move to LJ. If they still didn't like it then you could ask them if they like having a coach breathing down their neck all game because they are out of position to rule on passes. Ask them if they think they are in position to rule on everything on those long passes because the coaches didn't think so.

My Friday crew has a guy who basically refuses to WH at any level. We keep egging him on to try it but he refuses. I think that everybody should work every position just to learn what the issues are with every position. You can't do as good of a job criticing or giving suggestions if you have never worked that spot. Your guys should just lighten up a little and take their turn out there.
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