As you may remember, I am coming back after missing 5 season because of the ticker. Attended the camp my association conducts this last weekend. My expectations going in where not very high as there are not many opportunities around here for someone not active in an association to call competitive games at the high school age so I have been limited to just junior high age ranges...and not very good. Basically the objectives were don't die, keep the players for getting hurt, keep up and have decent mechanics. I went over the rules as much as possible to get as current as I could (really looking forward to getting actual books).
I worked three games...girls varisty and two boys varsity (first boys game was pretty competitive and fairly fast paced).
Overall it was a great experience. Before my break I was told I was too "stiff" on the floor...this time I was told to stand more erect (guess I overcompensated). Honestly, it took me most of the first quarter to feel comfortable on the floor in both the girls game and the first boys game. I felt my whistle was also a bit too slow many times but I attribute this to not being in a high school game and seeing action at that speed...and I could sense some of the players were getting frustrated because I was slow with the calls. I was also slow at reacting to changes of possession (especially sudden ones). In the first two games I was told I was too deep at T and C and ball watching at T. I didn't make excuses with the evaluators but the depth issue was due to my concerned about getting beat down the floor consistently because of my reaction time and not being completely comfortable. The ball watching at T was honestly just reverting to 2 whistle...which is all I have worked for 5 years (and not much of that).
After the second game I ran into one of the evaluators I know well and we chatted for a while. He told me not to worry about getting beat and that for the last few years they have focused on simply seeing the play. If there is a sudden change in direction and I realize I am not going to get there to just get an angle to see the play and (especially in 3 man) trust my partner to help with the opposite side view. I took that approach in game 3 and worked closer to the action. I surprised myself in that I was only beat a couple of tmes (that may be more a function of the teams than me

). Got much better comments after game 3.
Beginning to think I just need to call games. The approaches they take now to some plays has changed and I need to focus on incorporating that approach as second nature. One of the people making assignments told me after my last game "Looks like you are picking up where you left off." I am not completely sure if that was a compliment of my work at camp or an indictment of my work before the break.

Honestly, it also concerns me that if it is the first of those two I might get better games than I was counting on. Guess I just need to trust that they will not put me in anything they think I can't handle (phsyically and from an officiating standpoint)...and not put the cart before the horse as not a single game has been assigned to me at this point.
Looking forward to the season more now than before.