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jump stop Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:37am

NCAA should adapt NBA travel: rule 2 steps after dribble ends, DivIII championship
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is another example of dribble ending and 2 steps. In NCAA tourney games this does not get called. No one protested these end of the game moves. "The Game" is at the point where people are comfortable with 2 steps after the dribble ends.

Rich Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:46am


Originally Posted by jump stop (Post 928332)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is another example of dribble ending and 2 steps. In NCAA tourney games this does not get called. No one protested these end of the game moves. "The Game" is at the point where people are comfortable with 2 steps after the dribble ends.

This isn't even remotely close to a travel. Gather happens, pivot foot comes down, never comes back to the floor.

Officials do not count the number of steps. Period.

BillyMac Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:21am

Steps? We Don't Count No Stinkin' Steps ...

Originally Posted by Rich (Post 928333)
Officials do not count the number of steps.

Rich is 100% correct. To judge if a player travels, or not, an official determines which foot is the pivot foot, and then, knowing the limitations on moving that pivot foot, applies the rule to decide if, indeed, traveling has occurred.

A player can take fifteen "steps" with his nonpivot foot (jab steps) and never travel, as long as the keeps the pivot foot stationary. He can then legally lift his pivot foot to pass, or make a try for goal. It's not a travel unless his pivot foot touches the floor before he releases the pass, or try. He can also legally start a dribble, as long as he releases the ball before he lifts his pivot foot, and of course, as long as he hasn't already ended a previous dribble, but that would be an illegal (double) dribble, not a travel, and that's a story for another night. And the next night I can tell you a story about jump stops.

Rob1968 Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:26am

And so often, we hear the crowd disparagaing our non-call of a perceived travel when the ballhandler hasn't controlled the ball. They seem to see only the feet, in such instances, with no regard for whether the player actually has control of the ball.

OKREF Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:28am

This is a travel. The dribble ends with his right foot on the floor, picks it up and puts it back before shooting or passing.

jump stop Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:30am


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 928333)
This isn't even remotely close to a travel. Gather happens, pivot foot comes down, never comes back to the floor.

Officials do not count the number of steps. Period.

Stop video at 1:18 Ball gathered with 2 hands , right foot on floor. Then he proceeds to put left foot on floor and then right foot comes back down.

Here's the NBA rule on traveling when dribble ends:
b. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball

This is exactly what he did

LRZ Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:34am


Originally Posted by Rob1968 (Post 928349)
And so often, we hear the crowd disparagaing our non-call of a perceived travel when the ballhandler hasn't controlled the ball. They seem to see only the feet, in such instances, with no regard for whether the player actually has control of the ball.

The idea that you can't travel during a fumble is one of the great unknowns to most coaches and fans.

BillyMac Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:01pm

With Apologies To Billy Shakespeare ...

Originally Posted by Rob1968 (Post 928349)
And so often, we hear the crowd disparaging our non-call of a perceived travel when the ballhandler hasn't controlled the ball. They seem to see only the feet, in such instances, with no regard for whether the player actually has control of the ball.

Well put. A player can't travel if he doesn't have possession of the ball. Determining whether he has possession, or not? "Ay, there's the rub!" That's why we get paid big bucks to be at the game, and why fans have to pay to be at the game.

Rich Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:27pm

I've watched it, stop-actioned, frame-by-frame. I'm still not willing to say it's definitely a travel or not. Therefore, it's not.

I have one conclusion, though. Some people are great officials on the Internet or on YouTube.

I can't imagine anyone working a game of any real magnitude making this call.

BillyMac Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:36pm

Replay, Slow Motion, And We Still Can't Agree ???

Originally Posted by Rich (Post 928370)
Some people are great officials on the Internet or on YouTube.

You haven't been reading a lot of recent posts after a video has been posted, have you?

OKREF Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:39pm


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 928370)
I've watched it, stop-actioned, frame-by-frame. I'm still not willing to say it's definitely a travel or not. Therefore, it's not.

I have one conclusion, though. Some people are great officials on the Internet or on YouTube.

I can't imagine anyone working a game of any real magnitude making this call.

I do agree this isn't the best angle. Would like to see a shot from the endline.

Raymond Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:50pm

My cable provider as a Media Hub feature which allows you to download DVR'd recordings. You may want to look into that. I'm not even trying to look at these videos.

Camron Rust Sun Mar 23, 2014 05:05pm

Travel...catches with right foot on the floor, then steps left, then right again.

Gish Sun Mar 23, 2014 06:26pm

Not going to be called in real time Cam.

OKREF Sun Mar 23, 2014 06:45pm


Originally Posted by Gish (Post 928456)
Not going to be called in real time Cam.

Why not, it looks pretty clear in real time.

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