Pantherdreams |
Mon Jan 13, 2014 03:12pm |
In terms of the perception bias based on the factors people are discussing, Its obviously a factor. It does work both ways though. If the coach is a 150 lbs guy/gal who stamps and mutters and eyerolls that often gets a very different response (IME) the the 275 coach with the lungs to match who starts barking and/complaining. The volume and intimidation factor go way up and officials have to be aware of the behaviour vs the source too.
In terms of the OP, we don't correct coaching behaviour anymore then we correct footwork, shot form, or player behaviour. We call the the rules of the game in the spirit of the game as one of the many ambassadors of the game involved.
If the coach in you or your crews opinion is violating the rules/spirit of the rules of the game, then as per your job description you should enforce the rules and any appropriate consequences. I'm not saying coaches can't have a say, and we can't manage behaviour a number of ways and that in certain leagues/areas relationships with coaches aren't important. Though nothing I've ever seen in work or sport goes more toward professionalism then simply following/ enforcing the basic norms and expectations.