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Spence Sat Mar 02, 2013 04:36pm

Grabbing An Ankle: Intentional?
Didn't see the play. Read about it. A1 with the ball. B1 falls - now on the floor - reaches out and grabs the ankle of A1. I'm trying to think of a scenario where that would NOT be an intentional. It was called an intentional.


Indianaref Sat Mar 02, 2013 04:59pm


Originally Posted by Spence (Post 882754)
Didn't see the play. Read about it. A1 with the ball. B1 falls - now on the floor - reaches out and grabs the ankle of A1. I'm trying to think of a scenario where that would NOT be an intentional. It was called an intentional.


It's hard to envision how this would not be called an intentional.

maven Sat Mar 02, 2013 05:27pm

Here's one possible way it might not be INT: it might be flagrant. :)

BktBallRef Sat Mar 02, 2013 06:24pm

Ankle, leg, arm...I don't think it matters. Unable to play the ball, trying to over come a bad defensive position, reaching out to stop the opponent with the ball...INT.

BillyMac Sat Mar 02, 2013 08:08pm

Not A Basketball Play, Penalized As Intentional ...

Originally Posted by Indianaref (Post 882755)
It's hard to envision how this would not be called an intentional.

Easy to envision, in a footbal game.

26 Year Gap Sat Mar 02, 2013 08:24pm


Originally Posted by BktBallRef (Post 882764)
Ankle, leg, arm...I don't think it matters. Unable to play the ball, trying to over come a bad defensive position, reaching out to stop the opponent with the ball...INT.

Like those that grab a fistful of jersey near the waist, from the back.

Freddy Sun Mar 03, 2013 08:13am

OT in the OT

Originally Posted by Indianaref (Post 882755)
It's hard to envision how this would not be called an intentional.

Jacob did that in his first game some 4500 years ago. Wasn't called intentional, but his deception at that young age did play itself out later in life.

BillyMac Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:23am

Here's The Casebook Citation ...

Originally Posted by Freddy (Post 882806)
Jacob did that in his first game some 4500 years ago.

Genesis 25:25: The first one to come out was red. His whole body was covered with hair. So they named him Esau. Then his brother came out. His hand was holding onto Esau’s heel. So he was named Jacob.

Scrapper1 Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:25pm

This type of play happened to me very early in my college career. In fact, it generated so much conversation in the locker room after the game, that I could tell you the exact teams and location of the game.

I'm the C opposite the table. Team A has the ball in the frontcourt. The ball swings quickly to my side of the court and is deflected by the defense creating a loose ball. Players dive onto the court. The ball is picked up by a player from Team B who is standing. He quickly turns to pass the ball to B2 who is wide open for what will be an easy lay-up at the other end.

However, as B1 is turning to pass the ball, A1 has both his arms wrapped around B1's leg.

I no-called it. B2 got the easy 2 points.

Here's the problem. Coach B saw the obvious holding foul and was upset that I didn't call it.

So the discussion in the locker room centered around whether to call the foul, because the coach obviously saw it and thought it should be called; or to allow the advantage and the easy basket. The consensus was to call it because it was obvious.

I said that if I called it, it would have to be intentional. (This was before the switch to the "Flagrant 1" language.) But nobody really liked that alternative, either. But I stand by the thought-process of that type of foul, if called, being an intentional foul. It's clearly not playing the ball.

However, in my particular situation, I still think the no-call was better, since the result was the easy lay-up.

Scrapper1 Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:33pm

And, I'm not offended by any means, but it seems to me that quoting the Bible and referring to it as "the casebook" is inappropriate for this venue on at least a couple of levels.

I'm not really complaining, honest. I know we allow a lot of off-topic stuff in the name of humor (which I'm happy about!), I'd just ask you to think about whether that's the kind of thing you really want to post here, Billy.

A Pennsylvania Coach Tue Mar 05, 2013 01:06pm


Originally Posted by Indianaref (Post 882755)
It's hard to envision how this would not be called an intentional.

If A1 is bent over and the ball is down by his ankle, and B1 grabs for the ball and gets ankle, I could have a common foul.

Smitty Tue Mar 05, 2013 01:12pm


Originally Posted by Scrapper1 (Post 883186)
And, I'm not offended by any means, but it seems to me that quoting the Bible and referring to it as "the casebook" is inappropriate for this venue on at least a couple of levels.

I'm not really complaining, honest. I know we allow a lot of off-topic stuff in the name of humor (which I'm happy about!), I'd just ask you to think about whether that's the kind of thing you really want to post here, Billy.

I completely agree with this point of view.

mplagrow Tue Mar 05, 2013 02:04pm


Originally Posted by Smitty (Post 883194)
I completely agree with this point of view.

And I completely don't. It was meant to be humorous. Lighten up.

I have no problem with a no-call in this situation, and telling the coach to STFU if he's mad I didn't call it, simply on the principle of advantage/disadvantage. If he wants to argue it further, he'll get his foul soon enough.

BillyMac Tue Mar 05, 2013 02:45pm

Freddy, I Owe You One, Be Prepared ...

Originally Posted by Scrapper1 (Post 883186)
I know we allow a lot of off-topic stuff in the name of humor (which I'm happy about!), I'd just ask you to think about whether that's the kind of thing you really want to post here, Billy.

I was simply explaining the Bible story that Freddy was referring to in case some Forum members was wondering what he was talking about. Up until a few years ago, I would not have known what he was talking about, and I'm sure that there are others in Forum land who had no idea what Freddy was referring to.


Originally Posted by Freddy (Post 882806)
Jacob did that in his first game some 4500 years ago. Wasn't called intentional, but his deception at that young age did play itself out later in life.


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 882816)
Genesis 25:25: The first one to come out was red. His whole body was covered with hair. So they named him Esau. Then his brother came out. His hand was holding onto Esau’s heel. So he was named Jacob.

Freddy: Thanks for getting me in trouble.

BillyMac Tue Mar 05, 2013 02:48pm

That Freddy, He's A Real Card ...

Originally Posted by mplagrow (Post 883204)
It was meant to be humorous.

Thanks, but my post was actually meant to be informative, not humorous. I believe that Freddy's original post was meant to be humorous, but I should let him speak for himself. I could be wrong, I usually am, just ask any veteran Forum membesr, or my ex-wife.

bob jenkins Tue Mar 05, 2013 02:53pm

I, for one, am just glad that Billy didn't post a picture based on this post:


If A1 is bent over and the ball is down by his ankle

Scuba_ref Tue Mar 05, 2013 02:59pm


Originally Posted by bob jenkins (Post 883215)
I, for one, am just glad that Billy didn't post a picture based on this post:

Now that is a funny post!

BillyMac Tue Mar 05, 2013 03:09pm

Take A Left At The End Of The Descending Colon ...

Originally Posted by bob jenkins (Post 883215)
I, for one, am just glad that Billy didn't post a picture based on this post:

Be careful, don't give me any ideas. I'm getting a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I can post photos on the Forum if anybody is interested in my results.

Welpe Tue Mar 05, 2013 03:30pm

And with that....let's get this back towards on topic before I issue a pre-emptive strike on Billy's account. :)

maven Tue Mar 05, 2013 03:54pm


Originally Posted by Welpe (Post 883222)
And with that....let's get this back towards on topic before I issue a pre-emptive strike on Billy's account. :)

Would it involve a "drone" attack? Or maybe just an image of a UAV?

Spence Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:58am

Here is video of the play in question. Go to 1:26:45. Defender on the ground reaches out and grabs the ankle of the player with the ball.

9th Region Boys Semis - Holmes vs. Cooper | Tri State Internet Sports Radio Videos |

<iframe src=" dPlayer" width="530" height="540" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" style="position:relative;z-index:0;"></iframe>

HokiePaul Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:05pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 883213)
I was simply explaining the Bible story that Freddy was referring to in case some Forum members was wondering what he was talking about. Up until a few years ago, I would not have known what he was talking about, and I'm sure that there are others in Forum land who had no idea what Freddy was referring to.

I for one did not get the joke the first time, so this was much appreciated.

And back on topic of the video ... it seems like its intentional ... but from that far away, it would be easy to be fooled if the player fouled was exaggerating the contact.

deecee Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:42pm

looks like intentional.

Adam Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:31am

Not sure why that wasn't an intentional to be frank.

Camron Rust Tue Mar 12, 2013 01:09am


Originally Posted by Adam (Post 884325)
Not sure why that wasn't an intentional to be frank.

It certainly could have been but I guess it was missing the element of stopping an an opponent in an obviously advantageous position. It isn't like the fouled player was looking at an open shot.

BillyMac Tue Mar 12, 2013 06:38am

The Importance Of Being Earnest ...

Originally Posted by Adam (Post 884325)
To be frank.

What's wrong with just being Adam?

Adam Tue Mar 12, 2013 07:57am


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 884331)
It certainly could have been but I guess it was missing the element of stopping an an opponent in an obviously advantageous position. It isn't like the fouled player was looking at an open shot.

Yeah, I get that. But intentionally grabbing a player's ankle isn't basketball, and it's certainly a safety risk. This play is an intentional for me (I won't say "in my game") 10 times out of 10.

BillyMac Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:22pm

How About The Eleventh Time ???

Originally Posted by Adam (Post 884361)
10 times out of 10.

No wiggle room?

Adam Tue Mar 12, 2013 01:23pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 884413)
No wiggle room?

Once I've seen the play ten times, I'll worry about what to do the eleventh.

Camron Rust Tue Mar 12, 2013 05:03pm


Originally Posted by Adam (Post 884361)
Yeah, I get that. But intentionally grabbing a player's ankle isn't basketball, and it's certainly a safety risk. This play is an intentional for me (I won't say "in my game") 10 times out of 10.

I don't disagree, just offering a reason some may not call an intentional.

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