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stir22 Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:40am

Does your state require yearly tests? Mine (Montana) does not.

JRutledge Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:55am

In Illinois, yes.


Adam Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:56am

Colorado does, through the association.

Zoochy Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:01pm

Missouri State has a Part I test for officials within the first 3 years as well as a Part II test for ALL officials. So officials within 3 years have to take 2 tests.
The Part II test is now an online test. If you get less than a 70% you can immediately retake the test.
If you are an IAABO member you also have to take an IAABO test. This is an open book/take home test.

derwil Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:21pm

Alabama - Yearly on-line exam. Open book, 50 questions, 80% to pass.

bainsey Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:24pm

Annual closed-book exam in Maine.

Freddy Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:41pm

Here in the Land Across the Lake from Rut
Michigan -- 30 question multiple choice test (always a good one!) with passing grade mandatory to be considered for post-season state tourney.
Our association finds ways for all officials to take it as part of local association activity.

wyo96 Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:57pm

NFHS 100 question open book every year, pass with 80%.
NFHS closed book 100 question test every 5 years to obtain and maintain post season eligibility, pass with 80% or better.
Also must attend a mechanics clinic every five years to obtain and maintain post season eligibility.

Scuba_ref Mon Nov 12, 2012 01:02pm

The WOA requires a 70% on its annual 50 question online test - some true/false and some multiple choice.

Passing the test puts you in the Certified Official club and you are then eligible to officiate HS games. Also, the number of Certified Officials is used in the State Allocation Calculation to determine playoff spots.

Loudwhistle2 Mon Nov 12, 2012 01:13pm

Annual test, must pass with an 80% or better.

Sharpshooternes Mon Nov 12, 2012 01:17pm

Part 1 test is open book. 80% passing grade for all officials.
Part 2 test is for postseason officials that you only get one shot at and must get 90%

grunewar Mon Nov 12, 2012 05:22pm

Virginia = yes.

50 questions, online, open book. Need 70% to do games at any scholastic level. You can take it more than once if necessary (not more than three times though). If you score 80% or more though, no more retests. Sheesh! It ain't that difficult. :rolleyes:

We can take it from:

October 22 - November 18 for FREE
November 19 - November 25 - $50.00 Late Fee
November 26 - December 2 - $75.00 Late Fee
December 3 - December 9 - $100 Late Fee

jdmara Mon Nov 12, 2012 05:46pm

Yes, 50 question open book test must be passed annually. Required for both boys and girls basketball (As many of you know, Iowa has two separate organizations so we do have to take two tests)


CMHCoachNRef Mon Nov 12, 2012 06:14pm

Ohio -- NO Tests required after attaining Class 2 via initial class (sub varsity contests) other than an upgrade to a Class 1 test (to be eligible for varsity contests and tournaments).

NO other mandatory tests -- EVER!!!

There is talk of that changing. We CAN take an optional online course via NFHS, but that is not used for anything at this point in time.

BillyMac Mon Nov 12, 2012 07:38pm

We Can't Be Trusted ...
Here in my little corner of Connecticut: Open book, take at home, seventy-five question IAABO Refresher Exam, and 20 question local board mechanics exam. We have to attend one of about a dozen refresher exam "clinics", where we all go over our answers, and compare them to the correct answers. You need to show a completed answer sheet to get into one of these clinics. If you go to one of these clinics, with a completed answer sheet, you are given "full credit" toward your annual rating, even if you have every single question wrong. If you don't go to one of these clinics, you will get "no credit" toward your annual rating.

We've tried it other ways, but the answers always seemed to get out, and our members were always "cheating". It's a stupid system, but it's our stupid system.

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