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APG Mon Jul 16, 2012 09:03pm

FIBA: Brazil vs. USA 7/16/12
Did anyone catch the game? Thoughts on the officiating/differences between the different American codes?

Raymond Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:11pm

I'm DVR'ing the replay tonight. One of my buddies worked the game so I can't wait to see it.

Mark Padgett Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:19pm

I watched most of it and the announcers were spot on when they would say that the international officials let a lot of contact go uncalled. The game was rough, to say the least. Apparently, this is how FEEBLE games are called.

Too bad Maurice Lucas isn't still with us. He'd have a field day under these rules. :)

Nevadaref Tue Jul 17, 2012 03:20am


Originally Posted by Mark Padgett (Post 849259)
I watched most of it and the announcers were spot on when they would say that the international officials let a lot of contact go uncalled. The game was rough, to say the least. Apparently, this is how FEEBLE games are called.

Too bad Maurice Lucas isn't still with us. He'd have a field day under these rules. :)

I've always felt that the NBA over-penalizes the defenders for contact. I prefer the way that you say the international game is called. Perhaps that is because I grew up watching the Big East in the 80s and 90s.
I believe that the NBA is less concerned with a proper balance between offense and defense and is far more concerned with protecting high-paid players and increasing scoring--which sells tickets and makes $ for the league. I can't even argue that the NBA shouldn't do exactly that as it is an entertainment business with the goal to make as much profit as possible.
The NCAA is moving more towards the NBA with regard to what I expressed above, in my opinion, because of all the TV coverage (scrutiny) and the huge amount of money at stake with the NCAA tournament.
If you see the HS game on a consistent basis you will note a clear difference in physical defensive play, especially in the area which still use only two officials on the games.

APG Tue Jul 17, 2012 05:53am


Originally Posted by Mark Padgett (Post 849259)
I watched most of it and the announcers were spot on when they would say that the international officials let a lot of contact go uncalled. The game was rough, to say the least. Apparently, this is how FEEBLE games are called.

Too bad Maurice Lucas isn't still with us. He'd have a field day under these rules. :)

I tend to agree...I thought there were a lot of freedom of movement plays that were passed on that should have been called. Lots of handchecking, body bumps, impedes off ball and some borderline screens. And it seemed the USA players adjusted, because they were just as bad at times. As someone who is accustomed to watching the NBA and NCAA basketball, the game was quite rough. This isn't necessarily something confined to this game and more something that seems to be accepted in the international game.

Any folks who use FIBA rules have any insight on this?

vbzebra Tue Jul 17, 2012 06:06am


Originally Posted by BadNewsRef (Post 849253)
I'm DVR'ing the replay tonight. One of my buddies worked the game so I can't wait to see it.

M. M. ? I thought it might be him...great for him!!

JetMetFan Tue Jul 17, 2012 02:18pm


Originally Posted by Nevadaref (Post 849266)
I've always felt that the NBA over-penalizes the defenders for contact. I prefer the way that you say the international game is called. Perhaps that is because I grew up watching the Big East in the 80s and 90s.
I believe that the NBA is less concerned with a proper balance between offense and defense and is far more concerned with protecting high-paid players and increasing scoring--which sells tickets and makes $ for the league. I can't even argue that the NBA shouldn't do exactly that as it is an entertainment business with the goal to make as much profit as possible.
The NCAA is moving more towards the NBA with regard to what I expressed above, in my opinion, because of all the TV coverage (scrutiny) and the huge amount of money at stake with the NCAA tournament.
If you see the HS game on a consistent basis you will note a clear difference in physical defensive play, especially in the area which still use only two officials on the games.

Nev, I think the NBA my overpenalize guys who have to defend star players. Apart from that I think it's okay given it's supposed to be entertainment more than anything else. I grew up watching the Big East of the 80s as well (I'm also an alum) and I felt the product became ugly at the end of the decade and even worse when it went to the six-foul DQ rule from '89-92.

justacoach Tue Jul 17, 2012 03:23pm


Originally Posted by vbzebra (Post 849270)
M. M. ? I thought it might be him...great for him!!

Yup! 'twas

Jay R Tue Jul 17, 2012 07:38pm


Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer (Post 849269)
I tend to agree...I thought there were a lot of freedom of movement plays that were passed on that should have been called. Lots of handchecking, body bumps, impedes off ball and some borderline screens. And it seemed the USA players adjusted, because they were just as bad at times. As someone who is accustomed to watching the NBA and NCAA basketball, the game was quite rough. This isn't necessarily something confined to this game and more something that seems to be accepted in the international game.

Any folks who use FIBA rules have any insight on this?

I officiate in Canada and use FIBA rules. I agree with you that International Games are more physical and officials pass on more contact. I don't believe however that it is because of how the rules (FIBA) are written. Most of the rules that deal with contact are consistent with NBA, NCAA etc.... It's probably because historically international games weren't called as close and unlike the NBA which has put pressure on its officials to tighten things up, FIBA has not done this as well. We're talking here about officials from all over the world and let's face it, some of them are not as good as North American officials (I'm going include Canadians in there with Americans to show my bias). I think as officiating around the world continues to evolve and improve, the international games will probably start to ressemble more what you see in the USA.

jonjoncanuck Tue Jul 17, 2012 07:53pm


Originally Posted by BadNewsRef (Post 849253)
I'm DVR'ing the replay tonight. One of my buddies worked the game so I can't wait to see it.

BNR: Do you know who was in the crew?

Raymond Tue Jul 17, 2012 08:41pm


Originally Posted by jonjoncanuck (Post 849365)
BNR: Do you know who was in the crew?

Matt Myers, Jose Carrion, and a guy named Tommy.

SoInZebra Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:27am

Tommy Short

twocentsworth Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:01pm


Originally Posted by SoInZebra (Post 849412)
Tommy Short

Talk about a "plum assignment"...Tommy has worked 2yrs of D1 ball (10 games total - 7 last year).

Good for him! I've worked with him (in D2 games); he's a good official. Glad to know that there may be hope yet for us "little guys"...

I didn't watch the game, but I may have to go back and watch it now.....

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