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Loudwhistle2 Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:52am

We had a meeting last night and the question came up about substitute A1 that has legally entered the game during a dead ball. I argued that A1 could be subbed out during that same dead ball period without playing a tick. Other reffs disagreed, I believe I'm correct and I'm sure I've read that subs don't have to play a tick. When I was asked for proof I just said I read it on the forum. Can anyone direct me to the correct rule. We dug through all the subbing rules with no luck.


kwatson Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:55am

This may not help, but could they show you where it says he had to play a tick? I also could not find where it said a coach can not sub a sub sort of speak.

Loudwhistle2 Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:59am


Originally Posted by kwatson (Post 802318)
This may not help, but could they show you where it says he had to play a tick? I also could not find where it said a coach can not sub a sub sort of speak.

Thanks, that is where the argument sort of ended, I said if you can't find a rule prohibiting it, then it must be legal.

Welpe Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:02pm


Originally Posted by Loudwhistle2 (Post 802321)
I said if you can't find a rule prohibiting it, then it must be legal.

That is the heart of the matter. If they can't grasp this then there may be no help for them.

SNIPERBBB Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:38pm


Originally Posted by Loudwhistle2 (Post 802317)
We had a meeting last night and the question came up about substitute A1 that has legally entered the game during a dead ball. I argued that A1 could be subbed out during that same dead ball period without playing a tick. Other reffs disagreed, I believe I'm correct and I'm sure I've read that subs don't have to play a tick. When I was asked for proof I just said I read it on the forum. Can anyone direct me to the correct rule. We dug through all the subbing rules with no luck.


Apparently they are thinking of 3-3-4 where a player being replaced need to sit a tick and applying this to the sub coming in.

Toren Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:39pm

Here is your answer
Try 3.3.3 Situation A

Have fun being correct :D

Loudwhistle2 Tue Dec 06, 2011 01:04pm


Originally Posted by toren (Post 802328)
try 3.3.3 situation a

have fun being correct :d


Nevadaref Tue Dec 06, 2011 04:35pm


Originally Posted by Toren (Post 802328)
Try 3.3.3 Situation A

Have fun being correct :D

That Case Book ruling came from this NFHS Interpretation. I provide it because it offers even more detail.

2006-07 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

SITUATION 11: A1 is injured during a play in which he/she was fouled. As a result, A1 cannot attempt the awarded free throws. A6 replaces A1 and attempts the free throws, which are successful. Team A then calls a time-out. At the conclusion of the time-out, (a) A1 is ready to play, or (b) A7 replaces A6. RULING: In (a), A1 may not re-enter the game until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has properly started. Legal substitution in (b); A6 may leave the game at any time. Substitution restrictions only apply to being withdrawn and attempting to re-enter without the clock properly starting. (8-2; 3-3-4)

Brick43 Tue Dec 06, 2011 04:38pm

We were always taught that you don't need to play a tic, but you need to sit a tic.

BillyMac Tue Dec 06, 2011 06:16pm

We've Been Told The Same Thing ...

Originally Posted by Brick43 (Post 802409)
We were always taught that you don't need to play a tic, but you need to sit a tic.

With rare exceptions when there are only five eligible players remaining in the game.

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