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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 11, 2000, 05:36pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 1

What are your comments on these suggestions for new high school basketball rules?


Rule 9-10-10 = Although the "closely guarded" rule is satisfactory as it is now, I would like to see one or both of the following modifications to this situation:

1) Change the closely guarded distance from 6 feet to 3 feet. Many officials already only begin the closely guarded count when a defensive player is within 3 feet or less.

2) Change the rule so the closely guarded 5-second count only begins when the player in control of the ball is HOLDING only (not dribbling) the basketball in the frontcourt.

Since we have a 10 second backcourt count, it would be difficult for an official to perform both counts in the backcourt. This changes would make it easier for officials to administer this rule and reward the offense for maintaining the dribble in the frontcourt. Some officials believe that modifying this rule as suggested would only work if a shot clock is being employed. However, I would at least like to see this as an experimental rule in high school (and men's college; a similar rule is already in use in women's college) games.

3) Rule 9-1-articles 6-9-NOTE = Change the restrictions in Articles 6 through 9 to apply until the ball leaves the shooter's hand.

Many high school officials do not do a good job of calling lane violations. This would make it consistent with college basketball. Officials then will need to "step up" and call illegal contact that occurs during rebounding positioning for free throws.

4) Rule 10 = Restructure Rule 10 in some way to make it easier to know who to charge ALL technical fouls to. One easier way to do this is to possibly charge ALL technical fouls (except for on-the-court player technical fouls or substitute entering without reporting) to the Head Coach. This would entail even charging the administrative infractions to the head coach, rather than charge it as a "team" technical. Ultimately the Head Coach should be responsible for these type of actions.

5) Rule 2-4-4 = The referee should no longer be required to "be responsible for having each team notified three minutes before each half is to begin" and officials should not be responsible for informing teams that the first horn has sounded on time-outs. Both (and possibly others) of these timing situations are areas where coaches and their assistants should be responsible.


1) When the ball goes out-of-bounds, allow officials to give an immediate directional signal (like college), without first having to use the "stop clock" signal. It makes the official look more decisive.

2) Use the "blocking" signal similar to NBA signal when defensive player has been called for illegally trying to gain a defensive position. The "balled fists" facing upward on the hips looks more decisive and demonstrative than simply the "hands" on hips.

3) Make the "full time out" signal used by college officials an official signal in high school basketball. The will help to eliminate some of the confusion at the scorer's and timer's table as to the type of time out being called.

4) Allow high school officials to bounce the ball to the player making the throw-in in all situations. This allows officials to get into the proper position more quickly and gives the player more room to complete the throw-in.

Kevin Burke
Southern Basketball Officials Association
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 11, 2000, 11:53pm
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 122

I say leave the closely gaurded the way it is, and make the ref's do their job. I am a little confused in #2 why penalize the "D" in this situation. As for the backcourt thing, there is never 2 counts there is only 1 count the 10 second count. If you are going to change the free throw thing, then you better go to the college rules on this and only allow 5 or 6 players (depending on men or woman) on the line, and also allow the block to the first player. As a MECHANIC CHANGE for free throws, I would like to see the area's to watch go to that of college, the L gets the line on their side, and the T or C gets the line on their side, as well as the shooter. As far as your other mechanic changes, 1 and 3 sound great, 2 just looks bad, and #4 is already approved last year, except on the endline staying their, which makes since.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 23, 2000, 05:26am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 176

Some of your suggestions are all ready in use. Read some of the FIBA rules and you will see. The five count in the back court is simple, you just count with both hands.LOL!!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 28, 2000, 01:06am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616

3) Rule 9-1-articles 6-9-NOTE = Change the restrictions in Articles 6 through 9 to apply until the ball leaves the shooter's hand.

Many high school officials do not do a good job of calling lane violations. This would make it consistent with college basketball. Officials then will need to "step up" and call illegal contact that occurs during rebounding positioning for free throws.

I like the present rule. It eliminates unnecessary contact when a FT is made. Otherwise, there's a lot of contact, legal and illegal, which there is no need for because there is no rebound since the FT was good.

The full TO signal is one I would like to see. I'm not really that crazy about any of the other sugestions. I think the HS game is a different game than college or pro and, therefore, needs different rules and mechanics.
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