This is what I did in a JH game:
Team A's PG was dribbling the ball up the floor and was about as close to a carry as you can get. The first time he actually carried the ball, the ball was knocked out of his hand and OOB.While going to retrive the ball, I calmly told him to "Watch your dribble-you are close to a violation.Make sure you keep your hand on top of the ball." and he nodded his head and proceeded to play a better game. This was the first time that I had said something to the effect of giving a helpful hint to a player DURING a GAME.Now ,while under the boards, I have told players to watch the pushing and to keep an eye on the 3 seconds. After the game, I showered and got dressed back into my tuxedo(g)...errr...dress shirt and slacks. As I was walking out ,Team A's coach tracked me down and asked me what I had said to his PG.Itold the coach what I told him and he said that that was probably the best thingto happen to him all year and that he had been telling him that when the right official came along that he would call the violation. I felt good about the compliment from the coach but should I have said something to the player or just have let it go and called the violation the next time it occurred?