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Adam Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:44am


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee (Post 709697)
Rule 3-3-1(c) is telling us what the substitution restrictions are for multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls. The situation described does NOT have multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls. It has multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls. Therefore we can't use 3-3-1(c). It ain't applicable. If it was applicable, the rulesmakers wouldn't have specified personal fouls only. That means we have to look and see which other rule is applicable. And the only one available that is applicable is 3-3-1(d).

Rules rulz!

See if any of you can find something that states you can't bring the subs in as soon as the fouls are reported. Also see if you can find anything that states that you can't bring another legally reported sub(s) in after any one of the free throws in the sequence also. I don't know of any rule that says you can't but I'm sure willing to learn.

Y'all think too damn much. :D

So, you're saying a double foul is its own entity, rather than simply two separate fouls? That's what it boils down to, it seems.

The way I see the situation, it has multiple free throws from a personal foul followed by multiple free throws from a technical foul.

New Sitch:
A1 fouled while shooting an unsuccessfull three point shot. During the first FT, Coach A is in the ear of the T, earning himself a seatbelt immediately after the first FT goes in. Subs are at the table as the T reports the T.

Are you letting them in now rather than after the 2nd (of 3) FT?

Jurassic Referee Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:56am


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 709702)
1) So, you're saying a double foul is its own entity, rather than simply two separate fouls?

2) New Sitch:
A1 fouled while shooting an unsuccessfull three point shot. During the first FT, Coach A is in the ear of the T, earning himself a seatbelt immediately after the first FT goes in. Subs are at the table as the T reports the T. Are you letting them in now rather than after the 2nd (of 3) FT?

1) Naw, that's too deep for a dummy like me. I'm saying that I just try to follow a rule that I can show someone if questioned. That 3-3-1(d) in this situation.

2) Why wouldn't you? You now have left multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls, not multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls only. NFHS rule 3-3-1(c) no longer is applicable and 3-3-1(d) is.

BktBallRef Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:58am


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee (Post 709697)
See if any of you can find something that states you can't bring the subs in as soon as the fouls are reported. Also see if you can find anything that states that you can't bring another legally reported sub(s) in after any one of the free throws in the sequence also. I don't know of any rule that says you can't but I'm sure willing to learn.

Y'all think too damn much. :D

You mean like...

See if you can find something that states a player on the floor with the ball can do anything other than pass, shoot, start a dribble, request a time-out or sit up if he's on his back.

Y'all were thinking too damn much. :D

Adam Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:03pm


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee (Post 709707)
1) Naw, that's too deep for a dummy like me. I'm saying that I just try to follow a rule that I can show someone if questioned. That 3-3-1(d) in this situation.

2) Why wouldn't you? You now have left multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls, not multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls only. NFHS rule 3-3-1(c) no longer is applicable and 3-3-1(d) is.

I've got multiple free throws resulting from a personal foul, followed by multiple free throws resulting from a technical foul. The word "only" isn't in 3-3-1C (at least not in my IAABO book). Methinks you're thinking too much.

referee99 Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:08pm

I'm going A, but prefer to wait for E...
...unless we need to get a player off the floor, or if coach wants a player off the floor, or if coach wants a sub to enter to attempt the throws for the T.

Easier to manage subs later if I had my druthers.

BktBallRef Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:10pm

There is ZERO rules basis for making the subs wait until all FTs are shot.

Adam Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:13pm


Originally Posted by BktBallRef (Post 709716)
There is ZERO rules basis for making the subs wait until all FTs are shot.

Agreed. E isn't even an option IMO. I don't see how anything except A or B can even be considered.

bob jenkins Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 709710)
I've got multiple free throws resulting from a personal foul, followed by multiple free throws resulting from a technical foul. The word "only" isn't in 3-3-1C (at least not in my IAABO book). Methinks you're thinking too much.

Rules are (generally) written assuming "nothing else happens." So, if there are FTs from one PF, then subs come in before the last FT.

Nothing seems to be mentioned about T's or double fouls (what if in the OP the second foul had been a PF -- perhas B2 fouls A2 during the first FT for the PF), of false double fouls (what if the order was reversed -- dead ball T followed by PF during one of the FTs for the T -- do we still wait until the last PF FT?)

Scratch85 Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:17pm

In case of a False Double Foul or a False Multiple Foul, each foul carries its' own penalty.

We are instructed to treat the fouls as two separate occurrences and I believe we should administer and conduct the game accordingly. IMO. that means I will have two separate and independent actions.

I choose B for the 3 subs that are at the table in OP. Another thought is, the method of bringing in subs during multiple FT's was created to prevent delays. If we chose A, we must also allow any sub that reports to the table before the ball is at the Free-thrower's disposal but after the 3 subs were beckoned, to enter the game. Here come the delays that the rule is trying to prevent.

Back In The Saddle Thu Dec 23, 2010 01:05pm


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee (Post 709697)
The situation described does NOT have multiple free throws resulting from personal fouls. It has multiple free throws resulting from personal and technical fouls. Therefore we can't use 3-3-1(c).

Your logic is lacking in...logic. Just because there is also a technical foul does not negate the fact that there are multiple free throws resulting from a personal foul. I guess it depends on what the definition of "and" is ;)

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee (Post 709697)
Y'all think too damn much. :D

Yep. But you're hardly the first person to tell me that. :p

Camron Rust Thu Dec 23, 2010 01:24pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 709710)
I've got multiple free throws resulting from a personal foul, followed by multiple free throws resulting from a technical foul. The word "only" isn't in 3-3-1C (at least not in my IAABO book). Methinks you're thinking too much.

I agree with this point. However, if a T has been called, I'm going to let the coach remove the offending player ASAP if that is his desire.

Adam Thu Dec 23, 2010 01:29pm


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 709745)
I agree with this point. However, if a T has been called, I'm going to let the coach remove the offending player ASAP if that is his desire.

I agree with this in practice.

just another ref Thu Dec 23, 2010 02:00pm

Intent and purpose of the rule. The reason for allowing subs before the last free throw on a personal foul is to have only one pause before the ball may first be back in play, instead of two or three. That doesn't apply here.

Adam Thu Dec 23, 2010 02:08pm


Originally Posted by just another ref (Post 709756)
Intent and purpose of the rule. The reason for allowing subs before the last free throw on a personal foul is to have only one pause before the ball may first be back in play, instead of two or three. That doesn't apply here.

Sure it does; it cuts down on 1 of those potential pauses.

just another ref Thu Dec 23, 2010 02:10pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 709759)
Sure it does; it cuts down on 1 of those potential pauses.

So make it after all the free throws for the personal.

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