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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 11:25am
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Inbound after made basket/timeout

Team A scores and just as B1 gets ready to throw in, I (Coach B) request a TO because team A is setting up a full court press.

There is confusion among my players after the TO as to who the inbounder is and the Official places the ball on the floor and begins the 5 second count.

B1 manages to get OOB and pick up the ball for the throw in. Even though the ball was placed on the floor, B1 still has the right to run the endline, correct?

Should the official wave his arm along the baseline after setting the ball down? (indicating B1 could run the baseline)

We were at fault I admit, but after 1 request for an inbounder, was he a little too quick to set the ball down?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 11:43am
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Yes, B1 can still run the endline. I would give the swipe signal to indicate he can run it, but only as a courtesy.
Not sure I would have put it down that quickly, but it's possible if it had happened before.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 11:44am
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Coach - how long after the second horn was it before the official put the ball down? The rules state the teams should be breaking the huddle on the first horn, and be ready to play by the second. Was there a delay after the second horn while your players were doing "rock/paper/scissors" to see who would throw it in? (Ok, just kidding.) But if the second horn sounds, you're still in the huddle giving last-second instructions, then finally break the huddle and the players walk all the way down the court, get there, and there is still confusion as to who should throw it in - that could use up another 20-30 seconds after the horn. That would be an advantage to your team to use more than the 30 or 60 seconds for the TO, especially if the other team came out at the horn and was waiting. So, to answer the question as to whether the official was too quick: it depends.

As to your other questions:

- A team does not lose the right to run the endline after a TO.
- I do not believe it is required of the official to signal that the player can still run the endline. Many officials do; however I've had some tell me it's the players' and coachs' jobs to know whether they can run the endline, and it's not our job to supply coaching information. (I lean towards signalling, just to remind myself as well as the players.)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 11:47am
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I believe the officials manual indicates the official is supposed to tell the inbounder, to the point of pointing and stating "spot" for spot throwins (I've never done this). I'll have to check tonight after I get home.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 11:53am
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Was there a delay after the second horn while your players were doing "rock/paper/scissors" to see who would throw it in? )
Naw, I was just outcoached on this possesion. My play was set up for their press, and they changed to a different press. So rock paper scissors was the proper way to handle it without calling another time out.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 12:25pm
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Originally Posted by CoachP
Team A scores and just as B1 gets ready to throw in, I (Coach B) request a TO because team A is setting up a full court press.

There is confusion among my players after the TO as to who the inbounder is and the Official places the ball on the floor and begins the 5 second count.

B1 manages to get OOB and pick up the ball for the throw in. Even though the ball was placed on the floor, B1 still has the right to run the endline, correct?

Should the official wave his arm along the baseline after setting the ball down? (indicating B1 could run the baseline)

We were at fault I admit, but after 1 request for an inbounder, was he a little too quick to set the ball down?
You're Coach B? I thought you were Coach P. I can't kept it straight....

Yes, B1 can still run the endline. I believe that a quality official should verbally inform the thrower-in that (s)he can run the endline. Same quality official should also give the endline sweep mechanic.

After I mention once to a team to "get going", the ball is on the floor after a couple more seconds, unless the players are running towards me.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 12:58pm
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IMO...if this was the first time it happened during the game it was fast...but then I wasn't there.

This is a game management issue. If a team (or both) is slow breaking the huddle right away, after my first prodding I say "You should break on the first horn, let's go X." If it happens again, I stay near the bench and tell the coach as his team walks away "I need you to get them out faster coach." That way, when it happens again, after the second horn if one tweet and "Let's go X" doesn't get an immediate response I do not have any guilt when I put the ball on the floor and start the count.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 06:08pm
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Originally Posted by CoachP
Team A scores and just as B1 gets ready to throw in, I (Coach B) request a TO because team A is setting up a full court press.

There is confusion among my players after the TO as to who the inbounder is and the Official places the ball on the floor and begins the 5 second count.

B1 manages to get OOB and pick up the ball for the throw in. Even though the ball was placed on the floor, B1 still has the right to run the endline, correct?

Should the official wave his arm along the baseline after setting the ball down? (indicating B1 could run the baseline)

We were at fault I admit, but after 1 request for an inbounder, was he a little too quick to set the ball down?
No, he was not. And he's not required to request a thrower at all.

When the second horn sounds, I hit the whistle and signal direction and whether it's a spot throw-in or a running throw-in. I count two seconds, blow the whistle and sit the ball down if no thrower has come to the ball.
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