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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 07:42am
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What would any veteran official give a parvenu official as a normal pre-game check off list (in this case if you're R) to discuss with other officials prior to the game so that you and the other offficals are on the same page?
Also, what would you consider to be most important items and how would you go about delivering those to your partners?
One last question outside of pre-game how do you establish game tone/pace to the other officials, who may be too loose or to tight, if at all, without stopping the game to have a meeting(once again as R)? Or would you suggest to just adjust to the other officials in order to not seem asynchronously loose or ticky-tak?

[Edited by torpid123 on Mar 11th, 2002 at 06:44 AM]
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 10:21am
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In my pregame with an official that I have never worked with before I try to discuss the following:

The first thing I mention are my basic philosiphies on officiating which are:
#1. Call what you see and see what you call.
#2. Don't make me run across the floor when it isn't necessary.
#3. We switch on all fouls (2 man).
#4. With pressure in the backcourt, lead takes position at half court to help trail. Move towards endline as play progresses.
#5. If it is a call in the first minute it is a call in the last minute.
#6. There should only be one whistle blown on most calls. Don't blow your whistle on my line and vice-verse.
#7. I go over court coverage areas for off-ball purposes. There should never be two officials signalling on a three point shot until after it is made.
#8. Stress continuing 5 second closely guarded count when going into partners area.
#9. We go over signalling and use of unauthorized signals. I still see alot of these especially refs going from H.S. to college and back.
#10. Go over what we will do during warm-ups checking the book, captains meeting, etc.

The last thing that I say is make sure you make eye-contact with your parner before putting the ball in play. Also, the trail is responsible for getting subs in on free throws.

I probably go over more things, but these are some of the most important.

Keep 'em "straight up"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 10:39am
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Originally posted by torpid123
What would any veteran official give a parvenu official as a normal pre-game check off list? Would you suggest to just adjust to the other officials in order to not seem asynchronously loose or ticky-tak?
"Parvenu"? "Asynchronously"? I may have to start carrying a thesaurus with my pre-game binder!!!

Seriously, though, torpid, if you're working with a new official (1st or 2nd year), I would suggest going over

1) areas of responsibility (including OOB coverage),
2) importance of off-ball coverage,
3) consistency of calls throughout the game (on both ends of the court)
4) coverage in transition/pressing situations, and
5) end-of-game responsibilities.

That's probably as much as a new guy can absorb, and probably as much as you'll have time for if this is a sub-HS game. If you're working a game and have more time, then obviously you can talk about some other things as well, but those are the most important, I think. Let me reread Big Joe's reply. . . Yeah, I think I hit the high points. Although, Joe's right; remind him about switching on all fouls.

As far as your second question about being consistent, both you and the coaches have to expect that the calls are not going to be consistent if you're working with a newer official. The new guy is not going to be consistent with himself, never mind about being consistent with you. You just need to call your game, do as good a job as you can, and then after the game, you can discuss a few situations and how they might have been handled better.

If you'd like a look at a more detailed pre-game, I would be willing to send you my pre-game notes. I update them each season and keep them in a 3-ring binder. If you'd like to look them over, let me know and I'll email them to you. If not, my feelings won't be too hurt

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 12:08pm
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pregame notes

I would be very interested in your notes if you would not mind. I am always looking for ways to improve or better ways to do things.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 05:08pm
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Smile THANKS!!!!

I want to thank you both BigJoe, and ChuckElias, for you guy's insightful and helpful comments. And I'll try to keep the words within common colloquial (oops) language :-). But I defintitely appreciate it beyond belief. I will definitely post more questions as I try to bone-up on and sharpen my skills.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 10:15pm
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Re: THANKS!!!!

Originally posted by torpid123
I want to thank you both BigJoe, and ChuckElias, for you guy's insightful and helpful comments. And I'll try to keep the words within common colloquial (oops) language :-).
Don't get too colloquial, it's kind of nice to see some real English on this board, once in a while!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 10:35pm
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Re: Re: THANKS!!!!

Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by torpid123
I want to thank you both BigJoe, and ChuckElias, for you guy's insightful and helpful comments. And I'll try to keep the words within common colloquial (oops) language :-).
Don't get too colloquial, it's kind of nice to see some real English on this board, once in a while!
I'm not sure it's "real" English.

He used "colloquial" as a noun -- I think it's only an adjective.

And, he used parvenu (instead of parvenue, which is why I assume "he" in the previous statement) as an adjective instead of as a noun.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 10:43pm
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Re: Re: Re: THANKS!!!!

Originally posted by bob jenkins
And I'll try to keep the words within common colloquial (oops) language :-).
Don't get too colloquial, it's kind of nice to see some real English on this board, once in a while! [/B]
I'm not sure it's "real" English.

He used "colloquial" as a noun -- I think it's only an adjective. [/B][/QUOTE]

It looks like an adjective to me, modifying "language" as it does.

I don't know about the parvenu thing: I've seen it used as an adjective in the past, in places where "they ought to know." I've seen it made into a gerund, too, but that IS, I admit, pressing it a bit far!

What I'm more concerned about is calling himself torpid. WHat in the world...?

[Edited by rainmaker on Mar 11th, 2002 at 09:46 PM]
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 07:36am
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Re: Re: Re: Re: THANKS!!!!

Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by bob jenkins
And I'll try to keep the words within common colloquial (oops) language :-).
Don't get too colloquial, it's kind of nice to see some real English on this board, once in a while!
I'm not sure it's "real" English.

He used "colloquial" as a noun -- I think it's only an adjective. [/B]
It looks like an adjective to me, modifying "language" as it does.

I don't know about the parvenu thing: I've seen it used as an adjective in the past, in places where "they ought to know." I've seen it made into a gerund, too, but that IS, I admit, pressing it a bit far!

What I'm more concerned about is calling himself torpid. WHat in the world...?

[Edited by rainmaker on Mar 11th, 2002 at 09:46 PM] [/B][/QUOTE]

Whoa! Whoa! I grew up in Mississippi and this is all foreign to me We use "ya'll" as a noun, verb, gerund (don't you take this when you get old?), pronoun, whatever.
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 08:13am
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I have a really cool magnetic board that has some of the things that should be discussed in a pre-game on it. I will try to find it today... The board was given to me by a more expierenced official in a pre-game!
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 10:13am
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by dblref
Whoa! Whoa! I grew up in Mississippi and this is all foreign to me We use "ya'll" as a noun, verb, gerund (don't you take this when you get old?), pronoun, whatever.
And they say that Cajun is the only true dialect of American English...

[Edited by rainmaker on Mar 12th, 2002 at 09:16 AM]
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 11:03am
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Re: Re: Re: Re: THANKS!!!!

[QUOTE]Originally posted by rainmaker
I don't know about the parvenu thing: I've seen it used as an adjective in the past, in places where "they ought to know." I've seen it made into a gerund, too, but that IS, I admit, pressing it a bit far!
Juulie, how would you use "parvenu" as a gerund? A gerund is a verb (or participle form) that is used as a noun, as in "Running is good exercise". "Running" is usually a verb; but in this sentence is used as a noun. That's what makes it a gerund. How could "parvenu" be used this way, since it's already a noun or adjective? I'm not being critical, honest. I'm confused. I thought I was pretty hip to grammar rules.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 12:14pm
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by rainmaker
I don't know about the parvenu thing: I've seen it used as an adjective in the past, in places where "they ought to know." I've seen it made into a gerund, too, but that IS, I admit, pressing it a bit far!
Juulie, how would you use "parvenu" as a gerund? A gerund is a verb (or participle form) that is used as a noun, as in "Running is good exercise". "Running" is usually a verb; but in this sentence is used as a noun. That's what makes it a gerund. How could "parvenu" be used this way, since it's already a noun or adjective? I'm not being critical, honest. I'm confused. I thought I was pretty hip to grammar rules.

I don't remember the exact sentence. It was in a book we read in our book group where a very obnoxious character said something like, "That parvenuing of my sisters has got to stop." He thought he was being very authoritative. That's why I said, "it's pressing it a bit far!" We discussed it in our book group, how the author was using bad grammar intentionally to help flesh out his character, which is why I remember the details so clearly. I don't usually read through books thinking, "Hm, look there, he made that adjective into a gerund, how interesting..." I referred to it above ( I did NOT "reference it"!!) to show how far people will go to practice bad grammar, and that I don't think TORPID123 was so very far out of line in using "parvenu" as an adjective. At least he didn't "gerundify" it!!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 12:27pm
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Gotcha. Thanks. And now I see that you're right. . .it's definitely stretching it!

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 12, 2002, 01:32pm
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If you'd like a look at a more detailed pre-game, I would be willing to send you my pre-game notes. I update them each season and keep them in a 3-ring binder. If you'd like to look them over, let me know and I'll email them to you. If not, my feelings won't be too hurt

Chuck [/B][/QUOTE]

I got the notes chuck. Thanks. I was always taught and believe in a good pre-game. have only had one game where an official refused to have one and that was my first game this season. being the new guy in a new area I did not say much, probably should have.
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