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zebraman Mon Mar 10, 2008 08:10pm


Originally Posted by etsubucsfan1988
ETSU vs. Belmont in the Atlantic Sun Conference tournament semi-finals. ETSU up by 1 with time running down. You can watch the play and call unfold here:

(third story down the page)

Would love to hear from the referees out there. You can tell by my name how I fell about it. So what do you think? Thanks.

Appropriate technical foul. The kid threw an elbow and then trash-talked. Could have easily led to a fight. Do you need someone to blame? Blame the player for being an idiot and blame the coach for not having more control of his players.

BktBallRef Mon Mar 10, 2008 08:16pm


Originally Posted by etsubucsfan1988
ETSU vs. Belmont in the Atlantic Sun Conference tournament semi-finals. ETSU up by 1 with time running down. You can watch the play and call unfold here:

(third story down the page)

Would love to hear from the referees out there. You can tell by my name how I fell about it. So what do you think? Thanks.

You're kidding, right?

Throwing the elbow is a technical foul. Had he connected with the elbow, I would certainly have ejected him.

Mouthing off to the opponent is a technical foul.

Both, an very, very easy technical foul.

Instead of blaming the official, you should be upset with your idiot player for helping your team lose the game.

Dan_ref Mon Mar 10, 2008 08:16pm


Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
She probably didn't even vote for him.

For $5k I hope she at least pulled his lever.

nyuk nyuk nyuk

vbzebra Mon Mar 10, 2008 08:17pm

Ball handler swung his elbow. Good call.

JRutledge Mon Mar 10, 2008 08:35pm


Originally Posted by etsubucsfan1988
ETSU vs. Belmont in the Atlantic Sun Conference tournament semi-finals. ETSU up by 1 with time running down. You can watch the play and call unfold here:

(third story down the page)

Would love to hear from the referees out there. You can tell by my name how I fell about it. So what do you think? Thanks.

I think it was a justified call. Either way it goes a player has to keep their cool. He was being fouled near the end of the game. And the player had a chance to redeem himself and missed the FT. The bottom line, blame the kid for his actions, not the officials.


Adam Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:27pm


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee

Spitzer got screwed too. <font size = -6>(film at 11)</font>

$4300? There's got to be a MasterCard commercial in there somewhere.

Adam Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:28pm

I saw the subject line and got excited. Now it would just be piling on, though. I won't watch the clip, I'll just wait for the book.

HawkeyeCubP Tue Mar 11, 2008 01:03am


Originally Posted by etsubucsfan1988
ETSU vs. Belmont in the Atlantic Sun Conference tournament semi-finals. ETSU up by 1 with time running down. You can watch the play and call unfold here:

(third story down the page)

Would love to hear from the referees out there. You can tell by my name how I fell about it. So what do you think? Thanks.

(If you've made it this far in the responses,) You won't find an official on here worth anything that says this should not have been a technical foul. That's because, as plenty have stated (BktBallRef's points, in particular, outline the most basic and accurate details), it is and should be a technical foul by NFHS and NCAA standards.

ca_rumperee Tue Mar 11, 2008 09:10am

It's hard....

Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
She probably didn't even vote for him.

... to enter the booth and pull the lever for your candidate!

Back In The Saddle Tue Mar 11, 2008 09:43am

I will give the OP partial credit for at least being open and honest in what he's looking for. :D

And for the record, OP, I agree. It was a terrible T. It's absolutely, inexcusably horrible how your man robbed your team with his inability to control his emotions during a critical part of the game. Fortunately for him, the other kid walked away. Or your man may well have cost your team more than just a T.

Good job on the ref's part too to pick that up quickly and deal with it before it got any worse. Who knows what else your man might have cost your team if the ref hadn't called that T.

Edited to inject a dose of reality

fullor30 Tue Mar 11, 2008 09:52am


Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
She probably didn't even vote for him.

You have to be 18 to vote.

Jurassic Referee Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:00am


Originally Posted by fullor30
You have to be 18 to vote.

Damn, I can't vote either. I'm older than 18.

fullor30 Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:21am


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Damn, I can't vote either. I'm older than 18.

I should know better to be really, really specific on this site..........:D

Dan_ref Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:36am


Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I saw the subject line and got excited. Now it would just be piling on, though. I won't watch the clip, I'll just wait for the book.

If you go to the NY state governor's website you'll find a link to an organization that will help you relieve some of that excitement.

Jurassic Referee Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:57am


Originally Posted by Dan_ref
If you go to the NY state governor's website you'll find a link to an organization that will help you relieve some of that excitement.

For only $4300(train fare included).......

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