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rainmaker Tue Feb 26, 2002 11:56am

Just for the record, we are taught in our association to not call 3 seconds, until the "camper" receives the ball. Unless there is some other obvious advantage, such as a screen for another shooter. It seems to work, since throughout our area, we seldom need to call 3 seconds at JV or above.

Bart Tyson Tue Feb 26, 2002 12:07pm

I think i average one 3 sec. call about once every two years.

Mark Dexter Tue Feb 26, 2002 03:56pm


Originally posted by ReadyToRef
In our association, we've talked about the three second call and how often it should be called. Msot say you should call it even less than a T.
I think everyone knows that this is my position.

In all of my games this season, I had a total of 26 technical fouls and 1 three-second violation which I called.

Bart Tyson Tue Feb 26, 2002 04:00pm

WOW, 26 T's ! I bet the coaches have a nick name for you,"Whack" You are the inforcer. :)

Kelvin green Tue Feb 26, 2002 04:59pm

Talk to them in the paint, if they dont move hit them with the three. You dont need cheap 3 second calls but a solid 3 second call cleans up the play immensely. it stops the big guys from being there and banging. If they have to move, they bang less, or it is easier to see what happens. You gotta call it.

I disagree that you call it when the camper gets the ball because by rule the person with the ball can take it to the basket. If the coach knows the rule you are burying yourself. If youre gonna call this the ball has got to be in the air prior to the catch on the pass. It can be an advantage disadvantage thing but I'll bet most of my 3 second calls are early in the game. I tell them get out and if they dont move I hit them, and tell them I told you to get out. They get the message!

to simply state that 3 seconds should not be called is wrong, which rule will we choose to ignore next BI ot GT because we dont like it?

Bart Tyson Tue Feb 26, 2002 05:14pm

I agree Kelvin. Now days the players understand to keep moving. I may average one or two times a game telling a player to move/clear. And even then they may have moved without me telling them. I think the problem comes in when the off. player sets in the paint, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, and the defender feels the presure and pushes the off. player, beep, foul on the defender. In this situation you need a 3sec. call or a no call on the def. This is a good time to call the 3sec. if you say clear and they don't clear.

ReadyToRef Wed Feb 27, 2002 08:23am

In all of my games this season, I had a total of 26 technical fouls and 1 three-second violation which I called.

I think you definitely have the idea down. :D

WOW, 26 T's ! I bet the coaches have a nick name for you,"Whack" You are the inforcer.

Sounds like a great new handle :)

This is a good time to call the 3 sec. if you say clear and they don't clear.

I failed to mention that I did this all 4 times but the big guy never moved.

tharbert Wed Feb 27, 2002 09:56am

I am in AWE! 26 T's in one season? I don't think I have that many in 10 years...

Someone once told me that if you find yourself starting a count on every offensive player that steps through the paint, you really are missing the best part of the basketball game.

Preventive officiating - keep talking to the players. If they don't listen, pop the 3 second violation early in the game. Don't wait till 58 seconds in the 4th quarter to call the first one (unless there's smoke from the campfire and the teepee shows signs of water damage!)

Slider Wed Feb 27, 2002 02:02pm


Originally posted by rainmaker
Just for the record, we are taught in our association to not call 3 seconds, until the "camper" receives the ball. Unless there is some other obvious advantage, such as a screen for another shooter. It seems to work, since throughout our area, we seldom need to call 3 seconds at JV or above.
Maybe you seldom call it because you are told not to call it :-)

Mark Padgett Wed Feb 27, 2002 02:13pm


Originally posted by Mark Dexter

In all of my games this season, I had a total of 26 technical fouls and 1 three-second violation which I called.

What - only 26 in one season. That's about one quarter's worth for me. What's the matter, is your arm tired? :D

rainmaker Fri Mar 01, 2002 05:19am


Originally posted by rainmaker
Just for the record, we are taught in our association to not call 3 seconds, until the "camper" receives the ball.
If s/he has been in the key more than 3 seconds before s/he receives the ball, you can call it anytime thereafter. You don't have to give him/her allowances for shooting


Originally posted by Slider
Maybe you seldom call it because you are told not to call it :-)
I said, "Seldom NEED to call it"

[Edited by rainmaker on Mar 1st, 2002 at 04:23 AM]

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