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The Canuck Tue Mar 20, 2007 01:40pm

The coaches in my province, caving in to pressure from Basketball Canada, have voted to have high schools play FIBA rules next year.

As a result, I will now be restricted to enjoying everybody's stories on the forum, and the arguments, and perhaps showing the odd YouTube video.

Many officials feel NFHS is the better route. Hence, all of you are now my idols.

Adam Tue Mar 20, 2007 01:43pm

I'm sorry for your loss.

deecee Tue Mar 20, 2007 01:45pm

good riddance :)

SmokeEater Tue Mar 20, 2007 01:52pm

Same in Manitoba.

I have now come full circle. I started my officiating career under FIBA rules, went to Fed., then NCAA (with modifications), now back to FIBA. Clinics are going to be fun this summer.

Kostja Tue Mar 20, 2007 02:11pm

It can be fun, though!
It is still basketball, after all. The game you love (I hope). And by the way, I would like to have more FIBA related rules talk here on the forum :D

CU in FIBA land ...


The Canuck Tue Mar 20, 2007 02:13pm


Originally Posted by SmokeEater
Same in Manitoba.

I have now come full circle. I started my officiating career under FIBA rules, went to Fed., then NCAA (with modifications), now back to FIBA. Clinics are going to be fun this summer.

That's apparently what happened in BC. I started when we were doing modified NCAA but lots of guys have been frustrated by constantly having to learn new rules.

Which rules do you think we ought to play, SmokeEater?

Snaqwells: thank you for your condolences.

deecee: on behalf of everybody else, welcome to the forum :)

canuckref Tue Mar 20, 2007 02:46pm

It looks like fiba will be the rules from coast to coast to coast. I believe the rational is that fiba is the international game, so why would Canada play under U.S. high school and college rules, when we compete rarely against these teams at elite levels, but we do play with fiba rules for Olympic qualifying etc.. I'd be happy to have some fiba threads start here. It can get somewhat confusing reading all this u.s. high school references, but the game is very similar.
Major changes from my point of view include:
24 second shot clock
ball may be legally thrown over the back board
front court inbound must be passed into front court
5 sec. closely guarded can occur in back AND front court
clock is stopped in last two minutes after a made basket
5 seconds to attempt a free throw
technical foul = 2 shots + ball at half court
wide key

I personally find this one kinda of silly: you hold the thumb, index and middle finger to signal three point attempt VS. the pinky, ring and middle in ncaa rules.

If you havent already looked at it, here is the two man fiba referee guide:

As an aside, I believe there has been much speculation that US Olympic efforts have fallen short recently because of their inability to adapt to fiba play at the international level.

Also see this chart for a comparison of fiba, nba and ncaa rule differences:

Jay R Tue Mar 20, 2007 06:08pm

Canada Basketball has really been pushing FIBA rules over the last few years by threatening to take funding away from provincal associations etc.... University coaches in Ontario voted unanimously (21 to 0) to keep NCAA rules yet they are switching to FIBA because of the funding issue (at least that's my understanding).

Personally I like NCAA rules which could be adapted for high school (similar to Federation) but nobody's interested in what I think. Our job is to referee with the rules that the leagues have adopted not to mandate what rules they play.

BTW Canuckref, I don't think it's a big deal which three fingers you use. I use the last three fingers to signal an attempt for FIBA games and no one has ever said anyhting; I think evaluators have bigger concerns than which fingers are used. I know some people on this board will disagree with that last statement.


Adam Tue Mar 20, 2007 06:20pm

Yeah, some folks on this board have a favorite finger, that's for sure.

26 Year Gap Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:05pm

And some hold up three and tell you to read between the lines.

canuckrefguy Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:31am

We've been using FIBA for CCAA games for a couple years. High Schools are switching next year, as are CIS Men (which surprised me, to tell you the truth).

Really, it's no big deal. The big change for coaches will be calling TO's through the table, and not being able to call them during play.


8 sec continuous backcourt count, meaning if checked out in BC, offensive team does not get "a new 8", but rather what is left on the count.

Scoring team cannot call timeout after basket, though scored-on team still can

4 quarters of 10:00

Last 2:00 of game - offensive team calls timeout with ball to resume in the BC - ball will automatically be advanced to halfcourt after the TO

Player must land both feet on ground for act of shooting to end

Player can shoot FT's with no other players on the lane

No FT violations called on either team if FT goes in - except for shooter

Penalty (not bonus) on the 5th foul in a quarter - 2 shots

Shooter gets capped = travel, not AP

Like I said, when the change first came, I was dreading it, but it's not such a big deal. Most of the action-related rules in FIBA are identical to NCAA/NFHS now anyway.

Adam Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:46am


Originally Posted by canuckrefguy
8 sec continuous backcourt count, meaning if checked out in BC, offensive team does not get "a new 8", but rather what is left on the count.

Could you elaborate on this? "Checked?" Does this mean if the ball goes OOB or a timeout is called at, say, 4 in the BC count. The count will start from 4 once the ball is inbounded?

canuckrefguy Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:58am


Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Could you elaborate on this? "Checked?" Does this mean if the ball goes OOB or a timeout is called at, say, 4 in the BC count. The count will start from 4 once the ball is inbounded?

There are no timeouts called during play. That's part of the rule FIBA, you can only call TO by requesting it to the scoretable, and then it will be awarded during the next dead ball.

The second part of your scenario is correct....the count will "resume" at four seconds, and will not "re-start".

NICK Wed Mar 21, 2007 03:28am

Team control also starts as soon as a player out of bounds is ready to inbound the ball.....cheers

Scrapper1 Wed Mar 21, 2007 07:29am

Aren't there also some differences in the basket interference rules. I'm pretty sure that at some point, the rule was that once the ball hit the rim, all GT and BI rules were "discontinued" (so to speak). So as long as the shot had already hit the rim, you could go into the cylinder to rebound it, or dunk it, or whatever. Is that still true?

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