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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 08:06am
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Rockets & Celtics

Did anyone see the Rockets & Celtics last night? I have never seen an NBA game called so closely. Well I only got to watch the first period or so but she was calling everything. I have never seen so many traveling calls and palming the ball calls. I was laughing. Gundy got a T within the first 3 minutes or so. She was tough, but the calls were correct. It really stiffled the momentum of the game tho. Also they do the Rockets Live broadcast before the game and Battier did an excellent job explaining the charge vs block and how they play it. I needed the slow motion view....

Has anyone else seen the officials really call the minor things in the NBA? I think they should, but I just had a conversation this past weekend with my sons about how the NBA gets away with all thee things. I was glad to see her calling the violations.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 08:28am
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I love the NBA and know I am in the minority. Actually "they" have been officiating the game the same for the last 3 or 4 years. Many more carry and travel violations have been called. To say they "get away" with much more is going back to the 80's and early 90's when the game was called different.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 08:33am
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too funny. it was very nice to see. I mostly just watch the Rockets when it comes to NBA, but I do not recall a game officiated this way this season. It actually made it fun for me to watch from a Ref perspective, but the fans looked miserable as well as Coach Gundy. It was priceless to see the look on the players face when they were called for traveling or palming. I once so Gundy ask a player what was the call and he gave the traveling sign. priceless.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 10:25am
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Splute
I only got to watch the first period or so but she was calling everything.
"She" is Violet Palmer and is very respected around the league and within the officiating community.

Gundy got a T within the first 3 minutes or so. She was tough, but the calls were correct.
Van Gundy did get a T, but it wasn't in the first three minutes and it wasn't from Ms. Palmer. Houston was called for a defensive 3-second violation by one of the male officials; I believe it was Robbie Robinson. Van Gundy argued loudly that the ball had to be in the frontcourt for 3 seconds to make the call, and the ball had only been in the frontcourt for about half a second when the violation was called. I like the fact that Van Gundy actually knew the rule and that he then got T'd up for being obnoxious anyway.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 11:47am
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
"She" is Violet Palmer and is very respected around the league and within the officiating community.

Van Gundy did get a T, but it wasn't in the first three minutes and it wasn't from Ms. Palmer. Houston was called for a defensive 3-second violation by one of the male officials; I believe it was Robbie Robinson. Van Gundy argued loudly that the ball had to be in the frontcourt for 3 seconds to make the call, and the ball had only been in the frontcourt for about half a second when the violation was called. I like the fact that Van Gundy actually knew the rule and that he then got T'd up for being obnoxious anyway.

1. That is correct. She did a fantastic job. I enjoyed watching her. They also had a moment of discussion in this early time regarding if Houston or the Celtics had posession when the Celtics grabbed a loose ball and chunked it down court and ultimately OOB on the celtics. Another good call.

2. I didnt know who actually gave it or why, I was reviewing previous footage at the time and when I went back to live they were shooting for the "T". I didnt get a chance to back up & see why. Thanks, for the follow up.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 11:49am
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What's the NBA?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 11:58am
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Originally Posted by tjones1
What's the NBA?
I keep seeing references to it here, but I'm not sure yet. I think it's an association of former basketball players, but I'm not positive.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 12:50pm
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Originally Posted by Splute
1. That is correct. She did a fantastic job. I enjoyed watching her. They also had a moment of discussion in this early time regarding if Houston or the Celtics had posession when the Celtics grabbed a loose ball and chunked it down court and ultimately OOB on the celtics. Another good call.

2. I didnt know who actually gave it or why, I was reviewing previous footage at the time and when I went back to live they were shooting for the "T". I didnt get a chance to back up & see why. Thanks, for the follow up.
I wish that Violet would have stayed at the college level, I really enjoyed her calling the college game.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 01:07pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I keep seeing references to it here, but I'm not sure yet. I think it's an association of former basketball players, but I'm not positive.
Well, how about that...I just might have to check it out sometime.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 02:20pm
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Originally Posted by tjones1
Well, how about that...I just might have to check it out sometime.
I don't know. I heard they were really counting on Jon Diebler to take the association on his shoulders and really expand their marketing so they could make enough money to survive.
But, that was predicated on him going to the, wait for it, SEC, and dominating. Since that never happened.... It's a sad story, my friend.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 02:34pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
"She" is Violet Palmer and is very respected around the league and within the officiating community.

Van Gundy did get a T, but it wasn't in the first three minutes and it wasn't from Ms. Palmer. Houston was called for a defensive 3-second violation by one of the male officials; I believe it was Robbie Robinson. Van Gundy argued loudly that the ball had to be in the frontcourt for 3 seconds to make the call, and the ball had only been in the frontcourt for about half a second when the violation was called. I like the fact that Van Gundy actually knew the rule and that he then got T'd up for being obnoxious anyway.
What's a "defensive 3-second violation?"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 02:36pm
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Originally Posted by Zoochy
What's a "defensive 3-second violation?"
It's an NBA thing. It's kind of like the old "Illegal Defense," but changed slightly when they decided to allow a zone defense. A defender can't be in the lane alone for more than three seconds (if he's guarding someone, it's okay). There are more nuances, I think, but I'll leave it to actual NBA fans to elaborate.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 02:55pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
It's an NBA thing. It's kind of like the old "Illegal Defense," but changed slightly when they decided to allow a zone defense. A defender can't be in the lane alone for more than three seconds (if he's guarding someone, it's okay). There are more nuances, I think, but I'll leave it to actual NBA fans to elaborate.
Snaqs, you are cracking me down...... We needed a little humor today!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:02pm
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
A defender can't be in the lane alone for more than three seconds (if he's guarding someone, it's okay).
Snaq has it pretty close, I think. The penalty is a technical foul, btw.

Here's the rule from the NBA's website:

Section VIII-Defensive Three-Second Rule

a. The count starts when the offensive team is in control of the ball in the front-court.
b. Any defensive player, who is positioned in the 16-foot lane or the area extending 4 feet past the lane endline, must be actively guarding an opponent within three seconds. Actively guarding means being within arms length of an offensive player and in a guarding position.
c. Any defensive player may play any offensive player. The defenders may double-team any player.
d. The defensive three-second count is suspended when: (1) there is a field goal attempt, (2) there is a loss of team control, (3) the defender is actively guarding an opponent or (4) the defender completely clears the 16-foot lane.
e. If the defender is guarding the player with the ball, he may be located in the 16-foot lane. This defender is not required to be in an actively guarding/arms dis-tance position. If another defender actively guards the player with the ball, the original defender must actively guard an opponent or exit the 16-foot lane. Once the offensive player passes the ball, the defender must actively guard an opponent or exit the 16-foot lane.
PENALTY: A technical foul shall be assessed. The offensive team retains pos-session at the free throw line extended. The shot clock shall remain the same as when play was interrupted or reset to 14 seconds, whichever is greater.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:38pm
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Originally Posted by ripcord51
I love the NBA and know I am in the minority. Actually "they" have been officiating the game the same for the last 3 or 4 years. Many more carry and travel violations have been called. To say they "get away" with much more is going back to the 80's and early 90's when the game was called different.
I love the nba as well, and if anyone watches it regularly they have called the game 10 times tighter than college games in the last 2 to 3 yrs.
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