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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 06:20pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 9

I heard about the following situation from some fellow officials. Please help me shed some light on this when we meet again. Two Officials showed up at a small "B" High School to do a Jr. Varsity game followed by a Varsity game.(It saves the school money to just pay one travel fee and the two Officials don't mind earning the extra money doing back to back games. Again very small school.)
One Official is a 15 yr. veteran the other Official a good up and coming young Offcial. Well these two Officials were apparently having some "attitude" problems from the home team Coach through out the J.V. game and Varsity game. At some point, during the varsity game, the home Coach earned himself a "T". The game continued until there was less than one minute left in the contest. At this point the Home team(Team A), down by 4pts., fouled a Team B player.
Team B was in the Double Bonus. Team A Coach, already with one "T", told his players to come to his bench, but stay on the court. The Coach told the Officials he didn't want his players to "line up" and that they didn't have to!

As Officials what do we do now?

I'm not sure exactly what these two Officials did but I believe they gave the Coach his second "T" and ejected him from the game.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 06:39pm
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 23

The two inside spaces must be filled, put the ball in play for the free throw and just continue shooting until both are made. Then it is up too them to get the ball back in play. This type of guy is just looking for someone to fight with. He was obviously veery pi$$ed off with the job he received. Which does not mean they did a bad job. Maybe getting rid of him is the best thing to do.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 07:08pm
KDM KDM is offline
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Posts: 68

I'll take a stab at this one. I'm assuming no time-out has been called. Line the B players up and demand that the A players take their position ... if they refuse (team A) and continue to 'delay' it is a technical foul. I believe it is a team technical and is not charged directly or indirectly to the coach. There is no warning in this situation.

If you get no action from team A, issue a 2nd team technical and sternly tell the coach that a forfeit is impending. I would not give them the third technical. With the two technicals the officials would have given the coach plenty of opportunity to rectify his/her lack of judgement.

Had a time-out been called, you shoot the first FT with a lane violation by team A. Then you demand that team A take their position before any other FT attempts are made. Then repeat paragraphs 1 and 2 above.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 11:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 83

Line the B players up and demand that the A players take their position ... if they refuse (team A) and continue to 'delay' it is a technical foul. I believe it is a team technical and is not charged directly or indirectly to the coach. There is no warning in this situation.

You are correct: Case 10.1.5C Play (b).

The officials cannot administer a free throw if the bottom two spaces are not occupied unless the resuming play procedure is in effect (or no one is supposed to be lined-up at all...).
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