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Ohioref3 Sat Aug 12, 2006 02:13am

Grey Shirts
Are there certain states or areas that are wearing the grey shirts for this years upcoming basketball season? Does national federation leave it up to the states if they want to wear grey shirts or it is a unit decision if that particular unit will be wearing the grey shirts? Does a unit have to petition the state to wear the grey shirts? If you are them who makes the final decision on if the officials will wear the shirts?

Nevadaref Sat Aug 12, 2006 03:28am

2-1-1 . . . The official's uniform shall be a black-and-white striped shirt, black pants, shoes and socks.

So strictly by the book the NFHS does not allow the grey shirt, but we all know that some local areas wear it. Those that do either have the blessing of their state association or their state office just doesn't care.

Ohioref3 Sat Aug 12, 2006 04:16am

There are some on the east coast that are wearing the greys now, and it seems like there is a bigger push in certain areas out here for the grey shirts. With the NFL changing their uniforms, and the state directors trying to make the game better for the officials, I predict in a few years that alot more states will be going to the grey shirts, it gives the officials a new look.

zebraman Sat Aug 12, 2006 09:41am

Here in Washington State, the gray shirts have been approved by the Washington Officials Association for two years. We have the option of wearing stripes or gray. Everyone in the crew has to have the same shirt of course. I cannot remember the last time any of my partners wanted to wear stripes. The new grays are very popular.


tmp44 Sat Aug 12, 2006 04:55pm


Originally Posted by Ohioref3
There are some on the east coast that are wearing the greys now, and it seems like there is a bigger push in certain areas out here for the grey shirts. With the NFL changing their uniforms, and the state directors trying to make the game better for the officials, I predict in a few years that alot more states will be going to the grey shirts, it gives the officials a new look.

Speaking of the new NFL shirts, I thought us officials were supposed to NOT be noticed on the field/court. With these new things, they might as well be wearing lime green. :rolleyes:

Kostja Sat Aug 12, 2006 04:57pm

In FIBA competitions the referees usually wear grey shirts, but there are countries in Europe where referees spot such bright colors as orange. The picture is from a game in Belgium :D

BktBallRef Sat Aug 12, 2006 08:10pm


Originally Posted by Ohioref3
Are there certain states or areas that are wearing the grey shirts for this years upcoming basketball season? Does national federation leave it up to the states if they want to wear grey shirts or it is a unit decision if that particular unit will be wearing the grey shirts? Does a unit have to petition the state to wear the grey shirts? If you are them who makes the final decision on if the officials will wear the shirts?

Dude, you just started threads with these same questions in April and in May.

Are you obsessed or are you a vendor for gray shirts?

Get over it, it ain't happenin'.

tjones1 Sun Aug 13, 2006 02:31pm


Originally Posted by Nevadaref
2-1-1 . . . The official's uniform shall be a black-and-white striped shirt, black pants, shoes and socks.

This has nothing to do with grey shirts, but I don't want to start a new thread.

But are the side-panel shirts "college" shirts. I know they were widely used in the tournament last year and that's how they are being advertised.

However, all the major sellers of official's gear (Honig's, Gerry Davis, etc.) don't say not for high school use (like they do for the CCA logo).

Nevadaref has provided the official's uniform reference... the shirt seems to meet the requirement....your thoughts for use in Fed games?

JRutledge Sun Aug 13, 2006 04:59pm


Originally Posted by tjones1
This has nothing to do with grey shirts, but I don't want to start a new thread.

But are the side-panel shirts "college" shirts. I know they were widely used in the tournament last year and that's how they are being advertised.

However, all the major sellers of official's gear (Honig's, Gerry Davis, etc.) don't say not for high school use (like they do for the CCA logo).

Nevadaref has provided the official's uniform reference... the shirt seems to meet the requirement....your thoughts for use in Fed games?

Unless there is something very specifically said I see no problem with these shirts being worn. I even asked this question of two well known people and I got different responses. So unless someone says something publicly or directly, then I see nothing with wearing them. Just understand that someone might at some point outlaw these shirts. The shirts are still black and white. The only difference is the panel which in my opinion is really not that noticeable.


mikeref Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:43pm

In Wisconsin our govverning federation body (WIAA) had declared that the wide panel shirt should not be worn. We are told they are illegal. I have a tough time finding out where they are declared illegal or why! I believe it is solely the decision of the person in Wiscionsin in charge of basketball.

tjones1 Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:44pm

I agree with JRut. They are not that noticeable and the reason for the side panel is for a cooler shirt. I guess if the Fed doesn't want them, they'll have to be more specific in the book and state how wide the stripes have to be.

Official99 Mon Aug 14, 2006 06:45am


Originally Posted by mikeref
In Wisconsin our govverning federation body (WIAA) had declared that the wide panel shirt should not be worn. We are told they are illegal. I have a tough time finding out where they are declared illegal or why! I believe it is solely the decision of the person in Wiscionsin in charge of basketball.

See there are other states declaring shirts legal and illegal... not just the Granite State.

BktBallRef Mon Aug 14, 2006 07:42am


Originally Posted by mikeref
In Wisconsin our govverning federation body (WIAA) had declared that the wide panel shirt should not be worn. We are told they are illegal. I have a tough time finding out where they are declared illegal or why! I believe it is solely the decision of the person in Wiscionsin in charge of basketball.

Mike, my guess would be that they wouldn't want officials in the same game wearing different shirts. So rather than required everyone to buy new shirts, they simply ban them.

bob jenkins Mon Aug 14, 2006 08:45am


Originally Posted by tjones1
I agree with JRut. They are not that noticeable and the reason for the side panel is for a cooler shirt.

How does the width of the black stripe make the shirt cooler (assuming you mean "temperature" and not "social acceptance")?

Rich Mon Aug 14, 2006 08:50am


Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Mike, my guess would be that they wouldn't want officials in the same game wearing different shirts. So rather than required everyone to buy new shirts, they simply ban them.

Essentially the same reason they give for why we can't wear anything but navy and powder blue in HS baseball......

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