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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 03:09pm
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Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 35
Wink Speaking of Stoopid...and intrasquad fights

I was actually called's why: Team A commits offensive foul --not player control--bonus situation so we go to the other end to shoot the bonus. As I pass the scorers table they notify me that that's 5 fouls on 32. I turn to the coach tell her to get a sub, and as I turn to my partner to tell him, he is zapping 32 for fighting with her own team mate. He goes to the coach and as he is talking to her another player mouths to him (from behind his back) F--- you. So I T her and throw her out. So after after Team B shoots a bunch of free throws, we go to the other end and I call traveling on #10, she looks at me very nasty and like she's going to say something so I T her, then she throws up her arms and says "what did I do now" So I t her again and said, you don't have to worry about it you're done. So she goes off crying and the coach has to drag her into the locker room. We get the game rolling and a couple minutes later #10 comes back out and sits on the bench. I call time and tell her that she is to stay in the locker room or out of the gym. She is still crying fo some reason and just says "Why do I have to" I told her "Well, because that's the rule" Her coach, who is standing behind the bench of folding chairs, grabs her around the waist and pulls her through the chairs and off to the locker room. As she is being drug away, #10 looks at me and gets the last word in "You are SO STOOpid, in her "Latina" accent. Most of these girls had attitudes and it seemed as if they had no clue on ONE SINGLE RULE, and this was the last game of the season. The coach had no clue either. Why don't they make the coaches take the test too?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 03:24pm
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Re: Speaking of Stoopid...and intrasquad fights

Originally posted by Stripes130
I was actually called's why: Team A commits offensive foul --not player control--bonus situation so we go to the other end to shoot the bonus. As I pass the scorers table they notify me that that's 5 fouls on 32. I turn to the coach tell her to get a sub, and as I turn to my partner to tell him, he is zapping 32 for fighting with her own team mate. He goes to the coach and as he is talking to her another player mouths to him (from behind his back) F--- you. So I T her and throw her out. So after after Team B shoots a bunch of free throws, we go to the other end and I call traveling on #10, she looks at me very nasty and like she's going to say something so I T her, then she throws up her arms and says "what did I do now" So I t her again and said, you don't have to worry about it you're done. So she goes off crying and the coach has to drag her into the locker room. We get the game rolling and a couple minutes later #10 comes back out and sits on the bench. I call time and tell her that she is to stay in the locker room or out of the gym. She is still crying fo some reason and just says "Why do I have to" I told her "Well, because that's the rule" Her coach, who is standing behind the bench of folding chairs, grabs her around the waist and pulls her through the chairs and off to the locker room. As she is being drug away, #10 looks at me and gets the last word in "You are SO STOOpid, in her "Latina" accent. Most of these girls had attitudes and it seemed as if they had no clue on ONE SINGLE RULE, and this was the last game of the season. The coach had no clue either. Why don't they make the coaches take the test too?
Why did you give her a T for looking like she was going to say something...isn't that just flaming the fire?

My two sense!
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 03:47pm
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Actually why did you boot her from the gym; is that a local summer rule? The book very specifically says they are to sit on the bench and not re-enter.

You know the whole liability thang if they hurt themselves after you send them packing.

PS- Why do you find it necessary to explain her accent or heritage? If a player does something to deserve being wacked,it should not matter how they say it. These comments no matter how innocent will get you in lots o' trouble
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 16, 2001, 11:06pm
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I gotta tell you that your behavior was just as bad as the players'. You T'd her because she looked like she was going to say something? Then you gave her the second T when she asked what she did to get the first one? And then you popped off to her? With all due respect Stripes, those are some pretty poor reasons to give technical fouls and the smart remark is not a very good way to conduct yourself. The girls may have had an attitude but you're the one who's gonna come out looking bad for making calls like that. Sorry but that's the way I see it.

BTW, Brian's right. Unless you have some local rule that requires disqualified players to leave the gym, you're asking for a lawsuit by sending a minor out of the building. Perhaps you're calling under different rules but that's certainly not the NF rule.

I hope you'll learn something from the experience. Good luck to you!
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 17, 2001, 09:53am
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
I gotta tell you that your behavior was just as bad as the players'. You T'd her because she looked like she was going to say something? Then you gave her the second T when she asked what she did to get the first one? And then you popped off to her? With all due respect Stripes, those are some pretty poor reasons to give technical fouls and the smart remark is not a very good way to conduct yourself. The girls may have had an attitude but you're the one who's gonna come out looking bad for making calls like that. Sorry but that's the way I see it.

BTW, Brian's right. Unless you have some local rule that requires disqualified players to leave the gym, you're asking for a lawsuit by sending a minor out of the building. Perhaps you're calling under different rules but that's certainly not the NF rule.

I hope you'll learn something from the experience. Good luck to you!
I agree. I think a cooler head and better communication could have avoided this whole "ugly" scenario.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 17, 2001, 11:38pm
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Difficult to explain

I guess I didn't explain that right,, it was the type of game you just kinda had to be there. By the way it was back in the regular season, not summer. These girls had, honestly no clue of any rule, by the way they acted. I kid you not, EVERY call the were reacting sarcastically to, to a point that it was extremely unsportsmanlike. and I am nothing close to sensitive enough to react to a "dirty look" It was just out of hand. we were calling a good game..the athletic director even told us that we did the best job he's seen all season in keeping his team under control. The reaction of the girl after the first T was not a little mouse peep, it was a show to the whole crowd with a loud moan. I did not T the girl for calling me "stoopid", she said that as she was leaving. And the only reason I mentioned race was because she pronounced it the way you guys were spelling it. I am nowhere close to predjudice, I just thought it was funny when your spelling of the word brought back that little memory. The reason I was sending the disqualified players to the locker room was because it would have made it worse for them to sit on the bench. They didn't want to stay anyway. The AD said that when the varsity players get disqualified they go sit in the stands with their friends. The biggest issue here was that these girls were not about to listen to us as human beings or even try to understand why we were calling the game the way we were. They may have been unfortunate in the past to get less assertive officials... who were willing to travel to the outskirts of town (the farthest west school in our area, by far). A lot of the guys I know will not go out there simply because it is too far and the level of play is uuuhhh well not quite that good. Maybe I should have been a little more patient and tried to explain to these girls the rules, but that would have taken forever. They simply did not understand the simplest rules. Like I said before -- the girl was trying to argue with me about a FIVE STEP travel!!!. I still cannot believe it myself that they could play a whole season and not know the rules. That is why I think coaches should take the test too.

[Edited by Stripes130 on Jul 17th, 2001 at 11:52 PM]
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 18, 2001, 09:16am
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I had a camp director tell me once the real reason ejected players sat on the bench was so when they mouthed off again, the coach also got the indirect. Hee hee.
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