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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 11, 2006, 09:50am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
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I am looking for a good detaild pre-game to use, can you help?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 11, 2006, 09:55am
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I posted these a while back. Maybe you'll find something useful there.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 11, 2006, 09:56am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2001
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If you don't like those, try these:


1. How will we handle double whistles?
• Let’s both hold our preliminary signal and not give a block or player control signal.
• Make eye contact with each other.
• Give the call to whoever has the primary coverage, unless you definitely have something different that happened first.
• What happens if we forget and both give opposite signals?
a) Assess both fouls
b) Count the basket if the ball was released before the contact.
c) Resume with the Point of Interruption (POI).

2. How will we handle pass/crash situations?
• Let’s have the Lead official follow the pass, stay with the ball.
• The Trail will be responsible for the contact.

3. What if one of us needs help on an out-of-bounds call?
• If I have no idea and I look to you for help, just give a directional signal. No need to come to me. Just point.
• If I signal but I get it wrong, then blow the whistle and come to me. Tell me what you saw and let me decide if I’m going to change it.

4. How will we deal with technical fouls?
• If I T a coach, get me away from the coach. The situation is heated and I don’t want to whack the guy back-to-back. Let’s move away from the benches.
• Let’s get together and make sure we administer the penalty or penalties correctly and in the correct order and at the correct basket.
• If one official issues a warning to somebody (player or coach), make sure the other official knows. If I’ve already warned the coach, s/he shouldn’t get a free shot at you.

5. How will we handle a close 2 point/3 point shot?
• If one official incorrectly signals the number of points, the other official will simply blow the whistle immediately, signal the correct number of points to the table, and resume the game.
• We don’t need to discuss this, because we will only correct it if we are 100% sure.

6. Goaltending and Basket Interference
• 99% of the time, the Trail will be responsible for the call.
• Lead can help out on a quick shot in transition, when Trail hasn’t made it into the frontcourt yet.
• Let’s remember that it’s NEVER basket interference or goaltending to slap the backboard. Coaches and fans always want it, but we can’t award the points.

7. How will we handle the last shot?
• 99% of the time, the Trail will be responsible for the call.
• Let’s both have an opinion, in case Trail’s not sure.
• How will we handle a full-court pass when the Trail is stuck in the backcourt?


1. Let’s make post play our top priority, since that’s where rough play starts.
• Let’s not allow a defender to use a forearm on a player with the ball.
• Let’s not allow a defender to use a leg or knee to move a player off the block.
• Let’s make sure the offensive player isn’t holding off the defender, or holding him with his “off-hand”.
• As Lead, let’s find the post matchup as soon as possible so that we get the FIRST foul.
• Remember the RIDD’s. Don’t let players:

2. Once we have a handle on post play, let’s protect the ball-handler. Hand-checking:
• Two hands on the ball-handler is a foul. Automatic.
• One hand that stays on the dribbler is a foul.
• Let’s not let a defender “ride” the dribbler as the ball is coming from backcourt to frontcourt.
• Remember SBQ. If the dribbler’s
Balance, or
are affected, we should have a hand-checking foul.

3. How will we handle screens?
• We must work hard off the ball. Can’t relax just because the ball is in front of the other official.
• In the first half especially, let’s clean up the screening action. The screening action will be right in front of the defensive coach in the first half, so if s/he sees an illegal screen, we should too.
• In the second half, with the defensive coach 60 feet away, let’s be aware of the screening, but we don’t need to focus quite as hard on it. If there’s an obvious call to be made, let’s absolutely make it; but we won’t make it our “point of emphasis” in the second half.

4. If we let the kids play through some good contact on one end of the court, let’s not have a “ticky-tack” foul at the other end. We don’t want to give the coach a reason to say "My kid’s getting killed down there, and you call a hand-check here?"


1. "When the ball is dead, we must be alive."

2. Before we grant a time-out, let’s make sure we know exactly what will happen when play resumes.
• Who is our shooter?
• How many shots?
• If it’s a throw-in, will it be a designated spot or will the inbounder be able to run the endline?

3. Before we put the ball back in play, let’s make sure we have 5 players for each team.

4. Let’s be sure to tell the inbounder, verbally and visually, either “SPOT” or “You can run”. We want everybody to know that the inbounder was given the correct information.

5. Don’t chase the ball!! Ever. If you’re reporting a foul to the table, and I’m getting the ball out of the corner of the gym, who’s watching the players??


1. Consistency
• Let’s see if we can call the same game. Be consistent with each other.
• Let’s try to remember what we’ve called earlier in the game, and what we haven’t called. Be consistent with what has already happened in the game.
• If I have a very close block/charge play and I call a blocking foul, then the next time you have a similar block/charge play, you should have a blocking foul.

2. Game-Situation Awareness
• One of us should quickly check the clock after every whistle to make sure the clock stops properly.
• One of us should check the clock every time it should start to make sure it does so.
• One of us should know where the shot clock was when the whistle blew, in case the shot clock operator mistakenly resets it.
• Let’s try to be aware of the foul count during the game. We don’t want to be surprised when it’s time to shoot the bonus. If we know that the next foul will result in bonus free throws, we’ll be more likely to remember our shooter.

3. Last two minutes
• We’re not calling anything in the last two minutes if we haven’t already called it earlier in the game -- unless it’s so blatant that it can’t be ignored. We don’t want our first illegal screen to be called with 30 seconds left in the game; but if the illegal screen puts a player into the first row of the bleachers, then we have to call it.
• Let’s not “put the whistles away” in the last two minutes.
a) That wouldn’t be consistent with the way we’ve been calling the game.
b) Let the players win or lose the game at the line.
c) We don’t want to be the ones who decide the game by ignoring obvious fouls,just to get the game over.
• End of game “strategic” fouls
a) If the winning team is just holding the ball and is willing to take the free throws,then let’s call the foul immediately, so the ballhandler doesn’t get hit harder to draw a whistle.
b) Let’s make sure there is a play on the ball by the defense. If there’s no play on the ball, if the defense grabs the jersey from behind, or if the ballhandler receives a “bear hug”, we should consider an intentional foul. These are not “basketball plays” and should be penalized as intentional.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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