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Jurassic Referee Sat Dec 24, 2005 05:04pm

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: palming

Originally posted by ChuckElias

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Forget about all the other gobbleygook people try to to use to tell you how to call it.
What the heck is "gobbleydegook" about the description that was initially given? The palm is face-up, and is in contact with the ball as the ball moves horizontally. That's an obvious palming violation. Hardly gobbleydegook, in my gobbleybook.

Sorry, I spelt it wrong originally.

"Gobbledygook- "gob-ble-dy-gook"- <b>unclear wordy jargon</b>.

Where does it say the palm was face up? The description was some gobbledygook about the hand being south of the equator? Personally, I don't have a clue what that means. The equator runs sideways, doesn't it? Not up and down? Doesn't it maybe mean that the hand is below the waist also? Can't the palm be also face-up and in contact with the ball moving horizontally when the dribbler taps or tips the ball sideways?

With the hands and quickness some of these players have nowadays, you really think that's an automatic violation? Naw, I can't agree with that at all. Just go by the rule book definition and forget all the gobbledygook. What could be easier and simpler than "the ball coming to rest in the dribblers hand(s)"?

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Dec 24th, 2005 at 06:14 PM]

ChuckElias Sat Dec 24, 2005 08:29pm

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: palming

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Can't the palm be also face-up and in contact with the ball moving horizontally when the dribbler taps or tips the ball sideways?
If you're talking about a tap or bat, then I'll agree with you. I took "Hard" to be talking about a dribble, which is where palming is always called. I will agree with you that a bat will not be palming, even if the palm is facing upward. However, I will remain adamant that if "Hard"'s description occurs during a dribble, it's an easy violation.

Camron Rust Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:05pm

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: palming

Originally posted by ChuckElias

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Can't the palm be also face-up and in contact with the ball moving horizontally when the dribbler taps or tips the ball sideways?
If you're talking about a tap or bat, then I'll agree with you. I took "Hard" to be talking about a dribble, which is where palming is always called. I will agree with you that a bat will not be palming, even if the palm is facing upward. However, I will remain adamant that if "Hard"'s description occurs during a dribble, it's an easy violation.

The direction of the palm and the location of the hand with respect to the ball may be clues about palming but alone they are insufficient to determine if it is palming.

A player may bat the ball during a dribble just as at any other time. They may do so with the palm upward and the hand beneath the ball. All legal. The only restriction is that, if batted upward (which can only be done with the hand below), the ball must be allowed to touch the floor before the dribbler can contact it again. If they briefly catch it instead of batting it, it turns into palming.

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