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Friday night I was the U1 in a 3 man-crew in a highschool game. I have been working since 1978 and have seen many things.. This one was difficult. White team did not have a #33 in the official book when they sent him to the game in the 1st QTR. He was beckoned onto the floor. Right before play was to resume, the official scorer beckoned the U2 offiical over (who was closest to the scorer's bench) told him of the situation. He relayed the information to the R who said it was to late to penalize the White team since we beckoned him on the floor an he is now legally in the game. The U2 tried to tell him that it was a T. The R said no way and that he was wrong. The coach of the BLue team was irate at the R for not calling the T. They both were having words. I stepped in and borke the ferbal argument up. I took the Raside asked him what happened he told me. I told him that it is a T and the coach and the U2 were right. He said I was wrong and that I didn't know the rule. I tried to explain to him that anytime you change the scorer's book accept for certain situations and this is not one of them, it is a team T. He told me I was wrong. I told him that you are very adamant and will not listen, so we are going with his call. I dealt with the Blue coach who was irate and told him that he is not changing the R is not changing his mind. At the end of th e1st QTR he still was upset for being challenged by me on the floor. At halftime he explained to us (U1 & U2) we were wrong and why. I pulled my rule book out since he would not listen and made him read the rule. His mouth dropped and said when did this change. I told him it didn't. It has always been that way. He wanted to start the 3rd QTR with a T on white. I told him that it was wrong to do that. He screwed up and that he had to live with it. Does any one else know how to handle an adamant, vocal, know it all as the R who would not listen????
I think you handled it properly. If this doesn't teach him (not only about the rule, but about listening to his partners), nothing will.
I'd consider reporting the incident to the association as well, just in case this is a pattern of behavior.
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hmmm...you're the same guy that had the 'R' who 'would not listen' and threw a kid out of the game unjustly...then you sold your partner out to the coach...you've either got some really bad R's in your neck of the woods...or your stories ...just don't jive...
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer" |
Seriously, I would follow JR's advice and say "for the record, this is the wrong rule." That puts all the burden on him since he is the R. Calm the coach down and get the ball back into play so the coach will have to coach his team instead of complaining.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden |
additional info
1) the area I officiate in does three man for league/district games and two men for non-distrcit games
2) also..the two post are tow separate games, so the individual who thought my stories did not jive maybe thought they were the same game...they weren't 3) do to my job, i have moved several places and worked in many different assoiciations. this has been the most difficult one i have been in. 4) if you want to comment about this game great.. If you want to comment about the other game..please do at that thread. 5) selling out my partner..there comes a time in being honest and having integrity..i'll go to the other thread to discuss that game |
I think you are going to need to re-assess your politics in this new area. Obviously, they do things differently, and you're going to have to fit in somehow. I agree with you that it wouldn't be my choice of how to do things. But it looks like you're stuck with an association that is more concerned with the ol' boys' network, and less concerned about knowing the rules.
You might talk to the assignor about the overall philosophy of how this association is run and how the U's are supposed to relate to the R's. Whether or not they're doing it "right", you're not going to change things by yourself. I'm afraid you're going to have to learn to let some of this stuff go. |
If you think your partner has misapplied a rule there is nothing wrong with a quick conference.
I emphasize the QUICK. And keep it civil. If he's not going to change his call let it go and talk about it over a beer after the game. Don't let on to the coaches, players and spectators that you're dissapointed with the way your partner handled a call.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups ![]() |
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