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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:14am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 86
As I understand the NCAA rules (please let me know if NFHS is different), a moving screen is a common foul and not one where free throws would be awarded, even if the fouled team is in the bonus.

Here's the situation - I was a spectator at a sub-varsity game where Team A (offense) has the ball, Team A has committed more than 7 fouls, thus Team B is in the bonus situation. A1 is dribbling, A2 commits a moving screen on B1. The refs award one-and-one free throws to B1.

I think that this was an error. Clearly a flagrant foul was not called, so I do not understand why free throws were awarded.

If I am completely wrong, please educate me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:18am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 778
the way you described it you are right
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:32am
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There is no such reference in the rules called a "moving screen." I know there will be those that will disagree, but a screen that is moving in itself is not illegal. A screen could be sationary and be illegal (blind screen for example).

If you do call an "illegal screen," it could be a common foul or it could be intentional or flagrant as well. It depends on what the player does. Throwing an elbow to the head might be ruled intentional or flagrant. In those cases the team fouled would get the ball back.

You watched a lower level (sub varsity) game. It would not surprise me that you might have had some officials that do not understand the new rules or other rules. If an "illegal screen" was called, this would be a team control in the situation you discribed and that should have been a team control foul in both NCAA and NF rules.

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